Perfmon instance of the selected object

  • Hello,
    We have a 2 node SQL 2008 Cluster environment. I'm trying to firm up resource requirements for each instance (4) as we're moving content to another environment.. I have little experience with perfmon. When bringing up the tool, can't help but notice the "instance of the selected object", values are all numeric. It does not tell me what server it references. Viewing one of our test servers, "instance of the selected object" also had numeric values 0-3. I'm assuming that's the default.   

    Can anyone provide an explanation and if possible how to change the values to reflect something a bit more meaningful? Or at least how to interpret.  URLs would be appreciated. I've been googling this for a bit without too much success.


  • Sometimes things can stare at you right in the face - and eventually you figure it out.  The numbers represent the number of cluster cores.  Couldn't help but notice it matched exactly.  The only thing I need to know now, which cores are assigned to which instance.  

    If anyone has any experience with that please forward URL/comments.  Thank you for responding....

  • These queries should tell you -

    select cpu_count from sys.dm_os_sys_info

    select scheduler_id,cpu_id, status, is_online from sys.dm_os_schedulers where status='VISIBLE ONLINE'

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