Perfmon and Profiler

  • Hi folks,

    I am running a trace and adding the perf mon result in order to track down some memory:page/sec spikes. When I run the perf mon by itself I get many spikes close together.

    When I create a counter log and capture the memory:page/sec. followed by combining it with my profiler trace in order to find the SP or SQL statment that is causing it the line I get a graph looks much much wider and basically looks nothing like the system monitor did viewing it through the GUI.

    any suggestions.


  • What is the time period that you are looking at in Profiler with the perf data loaded? If you restrict the Perfmon graph to the same period of time in the properties, does it look the same then?

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  • I am doing a few things.

    I first open the perf mon and watch the graph in real time.

    Then during that same time period I run profiler and permon trace. with the hopes that my trace will look like what I saw when I watched the graph in real time.

    I am running the trace for about 2-3 min nothing large


  • When you set up the counter log what was the Refresh Interval?

  • found the problem, I had left the duration on 15 secs I needed to set it to 1 sec.....and then WORKS

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