Perf Mon in Cluster Env

  • Hi,

    I have a SQL Active/Passive Cluster setup with 2 nodes. I have setup a Perfmon on Active node which captures some stats on CPU, IO, mem.

    Now, if the failover happens, and my cluster resources move to the Passive  node, then does Perf mon on the Active node stop ?

    Do I need to Setup the Perfmon, also on the passive node?

    Do I need to setup the perfmon pointing to the Cluster name rather than the machine name?

    How does this work?

    Please through more lite on this?



  • Perfmon can be configured using Virtual Server Name, so when you use virtual server name perfmon should continue after failover...

    Microsoft SQL Server MVP

  • you may want to run some scripts ( job) notifying you that when cluster failover occur and perfmon stop, you may want to restart them...

  • Can it be done as a part of failover? I mean as we have other resources depending on sql server, we can alsp have perfmon setup as dependent on sql.

    So, if there is a failover, it will check if perfmon is up and running as it checks for other resources.

  • we run a job from the monitoring server ( every 2 hours) checking if perfmon counters are running on the production cluster

  • Finally, I got it.

    I have used a Monitoring server to run the monitors pointing to my cluster name using a domain account. Advantages are that if there is a Cluster failover, the monitor will still be running. If one of the cluster node goes down compeletely, still the monitor will be running and capturing stats, because its running on a different machine then the cluster machine.

    This will also give us the downtime period.


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