Percent format and calculation..

  • Hello

    I have the following statement within my SQL script:

    100.*(ISNULL(sum(case datepart(yy,t.orderdate) when 2008 then 1. else 0. end) * 1.0 /

    NULLIF (sum(case datepart(yy,t.orderdate) when 2007 then 1. else 0. end)* 1.0, 0), 0)) -100. as '% Change 07-08'

    When i run the query on SSRS i get the following output which is right #.#### (eg 5.6818), but when i depoly the report it and view the report it changes to 10568.18%!!!

    Can anyone tell me what am doing that is wrong and how to correct it

  • Without seeing the report definition it is very difficult to determine the issue. If SQL Server is returning the data correctly and you have no calculations in the report then it should just display it.

  • Hello

    How can i send you the report definition, for you to check?

  • You can zip it or rename the file to .txt and attach it to the forum.

  • Hello

    Here is the RDL of the report...hope it helps

  • I wish I had an answer for you. If you run the query in SSMS do you get the correct results?

    Could you try changing your aliases to use "acceptable" column names like pct_change_07_08?

    Realize I am just tossing out things I'd attempt at this point.

  • When I run it in both SMS and the Query designer in BIDS, i get the right result set, but when i deply it, it appears in a different format.

  • Any answer to this question?

  • Finally found the answer, one will need to use the following in the as the format code:


  • While you have a solution, you may not be aware, but to accurately display percentage values, you need to ensure that the raw number you compute is between 0 and 1, where a value of 1 is equivalent to 100%. SSRS will then handle a percentage display correctly. If you compute an actual value of 92.654, then SSRS would correctly display that as 92,654.00%. Thus all you might have needed to do is avoid the multiply by 100 at the beginning of your calculation.

    The reason for this is that 90% of a given value is equal to that value multiplied by 0.9, and would NOT be equal to that value multiplied by 90. Keep this in mind with percentages, as you'll find that most applications that work with displaying percentages operate on this same basis, and that includes Excel and Access. What your solution does is just use formatting to overcome the oversized value.


    (aka smunson)


  • Hi there

    I agree with you, I later used the following query:

    (ISNULL(sum(case datepart(yy,t.orderdate) when 2008 then 1. else 0. end) * 1.0 /

    NULLIF (sum(case datepart(yy,t.orderdate) when 2007 then 1. else 0. end)* 1.0, 0), 0)) *100. as '%

    Change 07-08'

    which worked out fine for me, thanks for your contribution though.

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