Percent format and calculation..

  • Hello

    I have the following statement within my SQL script:

    100.*(ISNULL(sum(case datepart(yy,t.orderdate) when 2008 then 1. else 0. end) * 1.0 /

    NULLIF (sum(case datepart(yy,t.orderdate) when 2007 then 1. else 0. end)* 1.0, 0), 0)) -100. as '% Change 07-08'

    When i run the query on SSRS i get the following output which is right #.#### (eg 5.6818), but when i depoly the report it and view the report it changes to 10568.18%!!!

    Can anyone tell me what am doing that is wrong and how to correct it

  • Finally found the answer, one will need to use the following in the as the format code:


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