peer to peer replication error

  • Hi, I am trying to set up P2P replication. These are the steps I ran on Node A. (Did not get a chance to run them on Node B yet). Then I pulled up replication monitor and got this error:

    The row was not found at the Subscriber when applying the replicated


    Here are the steps I used:

    --add distributor

    --add distributiion db

    --add distpublisher

    --add subscriber

    -- run sp_replicationdboption for the publication db

    --add log reader

    --create publication

    --add articles

    -- disable the job 'distribution cleanup'

    --backup the publication db on Node A

    --restore the db backup on Node B

    --run sp_addsubscription on Node A, with @synch_type='initialize with backup'

    --run sp_addpushsubscription_agent

    Then I got that error thru replication monitor. Could anyone tell me where I set it wrong?

    Thanks much!


  • Thanks to everyone who read my message and tried to figure out why.

    Actually, I got the message during my first try, then I disabled the distribution cleanup job. Then I dropped everythign and re-created, including a full backup from Node A. But during my second try, I forgot to change the backup name to the latest. Thats why. But its fixed now.

    Sorry for any confusion.


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