Password reset for more than 100 users

  • Hey guys,

    I'm looking for a way to automate resetting of Passwords for more than 100 users. Is there any possibility to do that with a sql script?

    Thank & regards

  • hi,

    may this give u a way.This is  a script to generate automated passwords.

    from now u want to change the password for 100 user.

    create a stored procedure which will change the password or update the passwords from table table_name

    create table table_name


    A varchar(20),

    b varchar(20)


    CREATE PROC sp_random_password


    @len int = 8, --Length of the password to be generated

    @password_type char(7) = 'simple'

    --Default is to generate a simple password with lowecase letters.

    --Pass anything other than 'simple' to generate a complex password.

    --The complex password includes numbers, special characters, upper case and lower case letters



    /**To generate a simple password with a length of 8 characters:

    EXEC random_password

    To generate a simple password with 6 characters:

    EXEC random_password 6

    To generate a complex password with 8 characters:

    EXEC sp_random_password @Password_type = 'complex'

    To generate a comples password with 6 characters:

    EXEC sp_random_password 675, 'complex'



    DECLARE @password varchar(25), @type tinyint, @bitmap char(6)

    SET @password=''

    SET @bitmap = 'uaeioy'

    --@bitmap contains all the vowels, which are a, e, i, o, u and y. These vowels are used to generate slightly readable/rememberable simple passwords

    WHILE @len > 0


     IF @password_type = 'simple' --Generating a simple password


     IF (@len%2) = 0  --Appending a random vowel to @password


      SET @password = @password + SUBSTRING(@bitmap,CONVERT(int,ROUND(1 + (RAND() * (5)),0)),1)

     ELSE --Appending a random alphabet

      SET @password = @password + CHAR(ROUND(97 + (RAND() * (25)),0))



     ELSE --Generating a complex password


      SET @type = ROUND(1 + (RAND() * (3)),0)

      IF @type = 1 --Appending a random lower case alphabet to @password

       SET @password = @password + CHAR(ROUND(97 + (RAND() * (25)),0))

      ELSE IF @type = 2 --Appending a random upper case alphabet to @password

       SET @password = @password + CHAR(ROUND(65 + (RAND() * (25)),0))

      ELSE IF @type = 3 --Appending a random number between 0 and 9 to @password

       SET @password = @password + CHAR(ROUND(48 + (RAND() * (9)),0))

      ELSE IF @type = 4 --Appending a random special character to @password

       SET @password = @password + CHAR(ROUND(33 + (RAND() * (13)),0))


     SET @len = @len - 1


    SELECT @password --Here's the result




  • Here is the article


    Automate New Logins Creation.  But it can be done the same way to update the passwords



  • --in Theory, this would generate thecode to reset all SQL Logins to a default password


    @isql varchar(2000),

    @username varchar(64),

    @newpassword varchar(20)

    set @newpassword='dataaccess'

    declare c1 cursor for select name from sysusers

      where uid > 1

      and uid < 16384

      and [name] not in ('guest','INFORMATION_SCHEMA','system_function_schema') -- in case this was run in master

    and name not like '%\%' --should you reset passwords for domain users like DOMAINNAME\Mgonzalez ? i don't think so, as this is handled by authentication.

    open c1

    fetch next from c1 into @username

    While @@fetch_status <> -1


     select @isql = '-- assign user ' + @username + ' the default password of ' + @newpassword + char(13)

     select @isql = 'sp_password null,' + @newpassword + ',' + @username


     print @isql


     fetch next from c1 into @username


    close c1

    deallocate c1


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