passing variable for IN (value list)

  • Is there anything new in SQL 2005 that can evaluate a variable to be used within the IN clause.  I know it can be done by using dynamic SQL but this is not a viable option for what I am using it with.

    For example, an application passes a list of ID's to a stored procedure of (1,4,7,10,14)

    create procedure GetEmployeeList

    @empList nvarchar(200)



    from employees

    where employeeID IN (@empList)

    Previously you could not do this unless the sproc built the query in a string and executed it within itself using EXEC.

    Is there a way to do this that I am missing?

  • This is rough but it is adapted from a technique I've been working on for an upcomming article. A common table expression is an excellent way to parse short strings as arrays.

    You get to be one of my guinnea pigs. 😉


    create procedure GetEmployeeList

    @empList nvarchar(200)


    with emp_cte (emp_id, emp_left, depth) as (

    select @empList, @empList, 0

    union all

    select left(emp_left, charindex(',', emp_left) - 1 ),

    right(emp_left, len(emp_left) - charindex(',', emp_left) ),

    depth + 1

    from emp_cte

    where emp_left like '%,%'

    union all

    select emp_left, null, depth + 1

    from emp_cte

    where emp_left not like '%,%'



    from employees e

    join emp_cte c

    on e.employeeID = c.emp_id

  • I tried using CTE's initially but ran into problems when creating the anchor member.  Because it is coming in as a varchar and the member definition is expecting ints for the column, it errors out on the conversion.

    I ran your example and got the following error, which was my same result when I tried it:

    declare @empList varchar(200)

    set @empList = '1,3,6,8,9,12,14';

    with emp_cte (emp_id, emp_left, depth) as (

    select @empList, @empList, 0

    union all

    select left(emp_left, charindex(',', emp_left) - 1 ),

    right(emp_left, len(emp_left) - charindex(',', emp_left) ),

    depth + 1

    from emp_cte

    where emp_left like '%,%'

    union all

    select emp_left, null, depth + 1

    from emp_cte

    where emp_left not like '%,%'


    select e.firstname

    from employees e

    join emp_cte c

    on e.employeeID = c.emp_id


    Msg 245, Level 16, State 1, Line 4

    Conversion failed when converting the varchar value '1,3,6,8,9,12,14' to data type int.

  • Change the last line to this:

    on e.employeeID = convert(int, c.emp_id)

    where depth > 0

  • Maybe XML is what you need?

    We did so in 2K with

    1.sp_xml_prepare_document -

    2. OPENXML

    3. JOIN with resultset of OPENXML ( IN (SELECT a_field FROM OPENXML(....))

    I propose that in Yukon it must be even better and easier.

  • Aaron's fix works pretty well.  I'm going to do some performance testing with CTE's versus the subquery I was using to see how well they match up.  I'll post the results within the next week or so... stay tuned.



    I've solved this by creating a function (named fnTabulate) that returns a table of the supplied integers.  I use it more than anticipated...


    declare @StringIDs varchar(50)

    set @stringIDs = '1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9'

    select  t.ID

    from   Table1 t,

      dbo.fnTabulate(@StringIDs) IDTable i

    where  t.ID = i.Data


    CREATE function fnTabulate ( @String varchar(8000) )

     returns  @x table ( Data varchar(256) )

    as begin

     declare @Comma int,

      @cData varchar(8000),

      @StrLen int


     select @String = ltrim(rtrim(@String)),

      @String = case when @String = ''

         then ''

         else @String +

          case when right(@String, 1) != ','

           then ','

           else ''



      @Comma = charindex( ',', @String, 0),

      @StrLen = len(@String)

     while @Comma > 0 begin

      select @cData = left(@String, @Comma-1)

      if @@Error != 0 goto NoError

      select @String = right(@String, @StrLen - @Comma),

       @Comma = charindex( ',', @String, 0),

       @StrLen = len(@String)

      if @@Error != 0 goto NoError

      insert @x ( Data ) select @cData

      if @@Error != 0 goto NoError


     goto NoError


     delete @x

     goto TheEnd


     goto TheEnd




  • That's one of the reasons the article is on hold for now... I did some performance comparisons and found that in many cases it's actually better performing to use WHILE loop than a CTE to process those.

    And I've gotten to the point where there's a knee-jerk reaction to using WHILE or CURSOR regarding performance...

  • Thats what I was afraid of....ugh.  It's a shame....some older DB's like Progress allow array datatypes and you can pass in an array of int's to be evaluated in a query and it was a real performance boost when querying groups of data.  Trying to pass that into SQL is a performance hit....

    I was hoping 2005 would resolve this but I guess my suggestion didn't make it into the feature list

  • Hahahah...

    the reason I developed the technique for parsing string data like that is because I have an ODBC connection to a progress database. Progress is dumping the data down from the array as one huge nvarchar column. I need a way to process about 50,000 rows very quickly (with about 50 variable-length items in the array).

    I'm sure you love it, but man... Progress has been a huge thorn in my side for the past few months.

  • I'm still thinking that passing XML-parameter is the best.

    You have ability to pass not just array but a TABLE and even resultsets of several tables.

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