Passing Parameters TO Stored Procedures

  • I wrote a stored procedure that manipulates data for any record where the value of a specific date field is older than 21 days; but I want to change the SP to make it so that the user who calls the SP can specify the age of data to be deleted by passing a numeric value to the SP when it is called. If no value is passed, I want the paramter to default to 21; but I can't seem to get the syntax right.

    Can anybody help?



  • deekadelic (5/15/2008)

    I wrote a stored procedure that manipulates data for any record where the value of a specific date field is older than 21 days; but I want to change the SP to make it so that the user who calls the SP can specify the age of data to be deleted by passing a numeric value to the SP when it is called. If no value is passed, I want the paramter to default to 21; but I can't seem to get the syntax right.

    Can anybody help?



    Post what you started - let's see if we can help you adjust it.....

    Your lack of planning does not constitute an emergency on my part...unless you're my manager...or a director and above...or a really loud-spoken end-user..All right - what was my emergency again?

  • Here's the SP with the input variable decalred, but not used. I'm not sure where to go from here; and the literature I have here is not doing the trick.




    CREATE procedure sp_clear_tbl_launch_OLD


    -- Declare Variable

    Declare @days int


    insert into dbo.tbl_BF_deek

    select *

    from dbo.tbl_L_Deek L

    where L.InsertDate < ( GetDate()-21)

    delete from dbo.tbl_L_Deek

    where InsertDate < ( GetDate()-21)




  • You've defined a variable, but not a parameter (variable is internal only to the SP, Parameters pass stuff IN or OUT).

    You should also avoid the * in here - will cause you grief. Take the time and list your column names.

    [font="Courier New"]

    CREATE PROCEDURE sp_clear_tbl_launch_OLD (@Dayoffset INT = 21)



    -- Declare Variable

    DECLARE @days   INT

    SET @days=@dayoffset;

    INSERT INTO dbo.tbl_BF_deek

       SELECT *

       FROM dbo.tbl_L_Deek L

       WHERE L.InsertDate < ( GETDATE()-@days)

    DELETE FROM dbo.tbl_L_Deek

       WHERE InsertDate < ( GETDATE()-@days)



    Your lack of planning does not constitute an emergency on my part...unless you're my manager...or a director and above...or a really loud-spoken end-user..All right - what was my emergency again?

  • that looks great, thanks!

    one last thing- what's the proper syntax for calling the SP with a value for @days?

  • In the case above - you're calling with a value for @DayOffset (the parameter), not @days (the variable). Being a little nitpicky, but it's useful to see the difference. Like I mentioned previously - a parameter is to pass information in (or out) of a stored procedure or function. A variable is something used within the stored procedure or function and not "visible" from outside (so you can't refer to it unless you're inside the design of the SP).

    As to how to call it:

    The most common way:

    Exec sp_clear_tbl_launch_OLD @Dayoffset =26


    Execute sp_clear_tbl_launch_OLD @Dayoffset =26

    Additionally - since we've assigned a "default value" to the @dayoffset, the parameter is now optional, so you you can simply do

    Exec sp_clear_tbl_launch_OLD

    For what it's worth - we also didn't deal with the possibility that someone might pass in a NULL value, so perhaps changing

    SET @days=@dayoffset;


    SET @days=isnull(@dayoffset,21);

    would be best.

    Your lack of planning does not constitute an emergency on my part...unless you're my manager...or a director and above...or a really loud-spoken end-user..All right - what was my emergency again?

  • nevermind- i got it.

    thanks for your help!

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