Passing paramaeter in a job

  • Hi all

    I want to know how can i pass a parameter in job and use that in my packages in the steps...

    have anyone done sumthing like this before?


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    Thanks [/font]

  • My (working) solution goes like this - a bit convoluted and scary security-wise,

    but I have not been able to find a better way yet.

    That is because - to run a package - the SQL user needs privileges to run

    xp_cmdshell as well as Integration Services - just a hair-breadth short of SA!

    My application "impersonates" a less privileged user (as dbo) therefore needs

    these contortions to start the SSIS package under different credentials.

    However, parameter passing is clearly shown in the command line prepared below.


    1. An Application calles PT_sp_ImportData with a single parameter

    (that is what is expected in the SSIS package as strLocationID)

    CREATE PROCEDURE [dbo].[PT_sp_ImportData]


    @i_varLocation varchar(20) = NULL

    ) AS

    begin -- proc

    declare @intErrorNum int

    if (@i_varLocation is null)


    select @i_varLocation = '1'


    set @strCMDSSIS = ' /set \Package.Variables[User::strLocationID].Properties[Value];' + @i_varLocation

    exec @intErrorNum = dbo.PT_xdts_StartPackage '\mySSISpackage'




    , @strCMDSSIS

    end -- proc

    2. Called Stored Proc : another SP which kick-starts the package (running as sa..)

    (despite the xdts, it's a mere user proc...)

    CREATE PROCEDURE [dbo].[PT_xdts_StartPackage]


    @i_strPackageName as varchar(200)

    -- NOTE: package name must be preceded by \ as running SQL Store (not MSDB file).

    -- If containing spaces, must be enclosed in double quotation marks eg "\ExportToMarquee"

    ,@i_strServerName as varchar (20)

    ,@i_strconnMgrName as varchar (60)

    ,@i_strCatalogName as varchar(60)

    ,@i_strParam1 as varchar(200) = NULL



    BEGIN -- proc

    declare @cmd varchar(4000)

    set @cmd = 'dtexec /SQL ' + @i_strPackageName + ' /SERVER ' + @i_strServerName + ' /CONNECTION ' + @i_strconnMgrName +';"Data Source=' + @i_strServerName + ';User ID=sa;Password=THisisClearTextPwd;Initial Catalog='

    set @cmd = @cmd + @i_strCatalogName + ';Provider=SQLNCLI.1;Persist Security Info=True;" '

    set @cmd = @cmd + ' /USER sa /PASSWORD TheClearTextPasswordAgain /CHECKPOINTING OFF /REPORTING V '

    if @i_strParam1 IS NOT NULL

    set @cmd = @cmd + @i_strParam1

    exec master.dbo.xp_cmdshell @cmd

    END -- proc


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