passing operators to a sproc

  • hiya,

    I'm using dotnet.I can pass an operator into my sproc as follows:

    New SqlParameter("@operator", SqlDbType.Text)

    Now, I want to use this operator in my sproc



    SELECT *

    FROM myTable

    WHERE price  = 10



    So, in theory, If I pass the “=” operator to my sproc, then this should work.



    @operator text

    SELECT *

    FROM myTable

    WHERE price  @operator  10



    Obviously, this doesn’t work.Do I have to cast the “text” value to a different datatype within the sproc?

    Maybe I should also have cast it to a different datatype in dotnet, as I was passing it in?


    I think I am on the right tracks.Can anyone advise?




  • What does your sproc look like? Why are you passing in the query? I'd expect the sproc takes a parameter for the price and you only pass in the 10.

  • hi Steve,


    I simplified my sproc.It will actually take 2 params:


    1) the operator, ie "=" ">" or "<"

    2) a date


    Then, if i can get it to work, I can have a "datePicker" that will allow me to to select dates that are either:

    1) on

    2) before

    3) after

    ...a given date.


    This could equally apply to prices I suppose.


    Is it possible to use operators this way in sql2k sprocs?



  • You can do it but in that case you have to make your query dynamic within the procedure...something like


    declare @sql nvarchar(4000)

    set @sql = 'SELECT * FROM myTable WHERE price '+rtrim(@operator)+'  10'

    exec sp_executesql @sql

    you can see different types of usage of sp_executesql in BOL...

    (Note: User excuting this procedure MUST have SELECT permission granted on the table used in query...this sucks...:angry

  • cheers Rax.

    I'm out of the office now, but I'll try first thing tomorrow.


  • yawn...morning


    I can now get the spoc to work with a hard-coded value of 10.

    I am trying to pass in a param to replace the hard-coded value, But at the moment, it retuns nothing.Please note that I have also tried via QA, and still it returns nothing.




    @operator varchar


    declare @sql nvarchar(4000)

    set @sql = 'SELECT * FROM tblOperator

                     WHERE currValue '+rtrim(@operator)+'  10'




    @operator varchar

    @valueToCompare VARCHAR


    declare @sql nvarchar(4000)

    set @sql = 'SELECT * FROM tblOperator

                     WHERE currValue '+rtrim(@operator)+'  ' +@valueToCompare

    exec sp_executesql @sql



    I’m nearly there. Can anyone see where I’m going wrong?





  • The only thing I see is that you don't have lengths defined for your parms.

    Try this....

    create procedure dynam_oper

    (@operator char(2),

    @value VARCHAR(3))


    declare @sql nvarchar(4000)

    set @sql = 'SELECT * FROM pubs.dbo.sales

                     WHERE qty '+rtrim(@operator)+'  ' + @value

    print @sql

    exec sp_executesql @sql


    exec dynam_oper '=', '5'


  • sweet as a nut.

    Thanks to all.It's strange, but I initially didn't have a length specified for my @operator param, yet that part of it worked.

    livin and learnin.


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