Passing on username and password to non-domain server

  • I know the following issues is typically a permissions issue but this is a bit different (I think):

    Code: 0xC001401E Source: Import_LapLine_Protocol_MachX Connection manager "SourceConnectionFlatFile" Description: The file name "\\\export\NEW PROTOCOL FILE.csv" specified in the connection was not valid.

    I am going out to a server that is not on our domain, so for example I map the drive it asks for a username and passsword.

    So my issue is when I run the package as a job it can't create a new file on this server, so my question is, is there a way to pass the username and password when I connect to the server in my script task:

    Dim Path As String = "\\\export\"

    I have tried

    Dim Path As String = "\\\export\", "username", "password"

    Dim Path As String = "\\\export\, username, password"

    Not sure the direction to take at this point.


  • Whatever or whoever is kicking off your SSIS package will be forced to authenticate to that network location.

    Can you tell us more about the execution context? Is it a SQL Agent Job? An NT Task calling a batch file to call dtexec? xp_cmdshell?

    There are no special teachers of virtue, because virtue is taught by the whole community.

  • NOPE, I was wrong, my resolution:

    "I decided to read the file off that server then create the new file locally and it works fine.


    Did work for the moment then I realized in the future I will need to move the file that I am reading so back to my original issue if anyone can help.

    I have this package scheduled as a job on the SQL Server, I don't know much about user accounts and how the SQL agent (?) gains access

    to the server (that's not on the domain).


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