passing multiple values for one parameter

  • I have a stored procedure such as this;

    select name, center, region, customer

    from tbl1 where center = @center and state =@state

    My question is, on the web form, State can be passed as a single state id (1) or such as

    state = 1,2,3,4,5,6,7, and so on.

    Within the stored procedure, how can I accomodate the ( , ) in the string and handle it on the DB side instead of having the developer calling the database for each state being passed in?

    so the query could look like:

    select name, center, region, customer

    from tbl1 where center = @center and state = 1


    select name, center, region, customer

    from tbl1 where center = @center and state = 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,

  • I use xml in order to aviod having to use dynamic sql. This should explain how you would use both.

  • I got that to work within my normal query, how would this work in a pivot query?

  • Hi,

    I am a fairly new DBA but what about this:

    DECLARE @sqlStmt varchar(8000)

    SELECT @sqlStmt = 'select name, center, region, customer

    from tbl1 where center = ' + @center + ' and state IN (' + @state + ')'

    EXEC (@sqlStmt)

  • I have that working, I'm trying to get it to work within my query that is doing a pivot.

    here is my pivot query:

    SELECT *

    FROM (

    'SELECT tblCustomer.CusterName, tblCustomer.Date as TotalSales, tblMAIN.Region

    FROM tblCustomer INNER JOIN

    tblOrders ON tblCustomer.CustID = tblOrders.CustID


    tblOrders.State IN (' + @State + ') and



    COALESCE(NULLIF(@StartDate,''),tblOrders .[Date])


    COALESCE(NULLIF(@EndDate,''),tblOrders .[Date])'

    ) AS D




    For Region

    IN ([NE], [SE], [SW], [NW])


    AS P

  • Without having the tables etc to test this against this should be pretty much there:

    This would encapsulate all the code into the variable then run it as a complete statement instead of trying to nest the select.

    Another alterntaive woulb be to have the nested part as a function and join the results to the function.

    DECLARE @sqlstmt varchar(8000)

    'SELECT *

    FROM (

    SELECT tblCustomer.CusterName, tblCustomer.Date as TotalSales, tblMAIN.Region

    FROM tblCustomer INNER JOIN

    tblOrders ON tblCustomer.CustID = tblOrders.CustID


    tblOrders.State IN (' + @State + ') and



    COALESCE(NULLIF(@StartDate, '+ '''' + '''' +' ),tblOrders .[Date])


    COALESCE(NULLIF(@EndDate,'+ '''' + '''' +'),tblOrders .[Date])

    ) AS D




    For Region

    IN ([NE], [SE], [SW], [NW])


    AS P'

    EXEC (@sqlStmt)

  • Forgot that you can also test the output statment by replacing the "EXEC (@sqlStmt)" command with "PRINT (@sqlStmt)" . This output can then be copied to queryanlyser to run independantly to verify syntax etc.

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