Passing in Variables

  • Hi,

    I would like to be able to pass a user set variable into the following statemant


    DECLARE @sql varchar(1000) DECLARE @stat varchar(10) DECLARE @date varchar(20) DECLARE @sturef varchar(20) DECLARE @tg varchar(10)

    SET @stat = '"Poor"'

    SET @date = '"March2007"'

    SET @tg = '?????'

    SET @sql = 'SELECT a.* FROM OPENQUERY(SERVER4,''SELECT studentID,TG,student FROM Reports

    WHERE (((`classwork` = '

    + @stat + ' or `homework` = ' + @stat + ' or `midterm` = ' + @stat + ' ) AND `session` = ' + @date + ') AND `TG` =' + @tg + ')

    GROUP BY studentID

    HAVING count(*)>=3

    ORDER BY TG ASC'')AS a;'

    EXEC (@sql)


    This all works fine if i set @tg manually (i.e SET @tg ='"A10-"' but i would like to be able to input the tg at run time.

    any ideas???

    Thanks in advance for any help

  • Steven

    Just write it as a stored procedure with @tg as your input parameter.


  • Sorry about this. Iam still trying to figure out how all of this works (haves done anything like this for over a year)

    did u mean do this?


    DECLARE @sql varchar(1000) DECLARE @stat varchar(10) DECLARE @date varchar(20) DECLARE @sturef varchar(20)

    SET @stat = '"Poor"'

    SET @date = '"March2007"'

    SET @sql = 'SELECT a.* FROM OPENQUERY(MSQLREVIEW,''SELECT studentID,TG,student FROM Reports

    WHERE (((`classwork` = '

    + @stat + ' or `homework` = ' + @stat + ' or `midterm` = ' + @stat + ' ) AND `session` = ' + @date + ') AND `TG` ='+@tg+')

    GROUP BY studentID

    HAVING count(*)>=3

    ORDER BY TG ASC'')AS a;'

    EXEC (@sql)


    you probably didnt because it doesnt work when i tried it.

    Thanks again


    EDIT: ok it does work like that but i have to put " " round the input which i didnt want to do, also it will be input like this A10-06 but i need to be able to get rid of the 06 (or anything after -) to use it within the database.

    Thanks again again

  • Steve


    You have to use more quotes :


    @sql varchar(1000) DECLARE @stat varchar(10) DECLARE @date varchar(20) DECLARE @sturef varchar(20)


    @stat = '"Poor"'


    @date = '"March2007"'


    @sql = 'SELECT a.* FROM OPENQUERY(MSQLREVIEW,''SELECT studentID,TG,student FROM Reports

    WHERE (((`classwork` = '''


    @stat + ''' or ' + '''homework''' + ' = ' + @stat + ''' or `midterm` = ''' + @stat + ''' ) AND `session` = ''' + @date + ''') AND `TG` ='''+@tg+''')

    GROUP BY studentID

    HAVING count(*)>=3

    ORDER BY TG ASC'')AS a;'



    Try something like this.


  • But now you're using @tg without having declared it.  Look up CREATE PROCEDURE in Books Online.  Your code will look something like this:

    CREATE PROCEDURE dbo.MyProc @tg varchar(10)





  • thanks for all the help. seams to be working now

    just need to figure out how to use the id it returns in a where statement to return a name now.

  • You can return the results as a recordset with the name in the row or as an output parameter.


    Something like this:



     @tg varchar(10),

     @namereturn varchar(25) OUTPUT




    Select @namereturn = somecolumn From yourtable Where id = @tg


    Then you can execute the stored procedure, passing the two parameters like this if from sql


    exec MyProc 'tg parameter text', @NameReturned OUTPUT


    If from vb or C# you would need to configure your command object with parameter objects appropriately.


    [font="Arial"]Clifton G. Collins III[/font]

  • thanks, will give that ago

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