Passing a variable to sp_MSForeachdb

  • Hello

    I'm trying to drop any custom schemas that exist in a certain set of databases determined by the variable value passed. I have written the code below but I get errors. Does anybody know of a way of passing a variable to the proc sp_MSForeachdb or of an alternative way to do this. If I try to do this using cursors I run into errors as I cannot drop a schema using a fully qualified name, I have to write a 'use database' command to change the database then drop the schema

    declare @db_type as varchar(10)

    set @db_type = '%_lts%'

    EXEC master..sp_MSForeachdb '

    USE [?]

    IF ''?'' like '@db_type'


    declare @sql as varchar(1000)

    select @sql = ''drop schema '' + name from sys.schemas

    where name not in(''dbo'',''guest'',''INFORMATION_SCHEMA'',''sys''



    exec (@sql)


  • EXEC master..sp_MSForeachdb '

    declare @db_type as varchar(10)

    set @db_type = ''%_lts%''

    USE [?]

    IF ''?'' like '@db_type'


    declare @sql as varchar(1000)

    select @sql = ''drop schema '' + name from sys.schemas

    where name not in(''dbo'',''guest'',''INFORMATION_SCHEMA'',''sys''



    exec (@sql)


    Vishal Gajjar

  • Thanks for the reply Vishal,

    I'm actually getting an error when I run the SQL:


    EXEC master..sp_MSForeachdb '

    declare @db_type as varchar(10)

    set @db_type = ''%_lts%''

    USE [?]

    IF ''?'' like '@db_type'


    declare @sql as varchar(1000)

    select @sql = ''drop schema '' + name from sys.schemas

    where name not in(''dbo'',''guest'',''INFORMATION_SCHEMA'',''sys''



    exec (@sql)



    Msg 102, Level 15, State 1, Line 7

    Incorrect syntax near '@db_type'.

    Also I want to use this in a stored procedure so one of the variables will be @db_type, therefore I will need to pass this variable into the dynamic SQL

  • Try this:

    DECLARE @sqlCommand VARCHAR(2000)

    declare @db_type as varchar(10)

    set @db_type = '%_lts%'

    SET @sqlCommand =


    USE [?]

    PRINT ''?''

    IF ''?'' like ''' + @db_type




    DECLARE @sql VARCHAR(1000)

    SELECT @sql = ''DROP SCHEMA '' + name FROM sys.schemas

    WHERE name NOT IN (''dbo'',''guest'',''INFORMATION_SCHEMA'',''sys''



    PRINT (@sql)


    EXEC master..sp_MSForeachdb @sqlCommand

    PS: I have replace EXEC with PRINT for testing...

    Vishal Gajjar

  • Thanks Vishal, worked a charm

  • Vishal, Are you still there? I have seen more examples of sp_MSforeachdb than I care to see, but I have yet to see anything that does what I want. It seems to be a simple (and probably common) need. I would like to do an EXEC on each database, executing a stored procedure contained in one database only. I also need to be able to pass a parameter to it. I have spent many hours without success. Here is what I am trying to do, but cannot seem to accomplish:

    SET @sql = 'IF ''?'' NOT IN(''master'', ''model'', ''msdb'', ''tempdb'')

    BEGIN USE ? EXEC Utility.dbo.desiredprocedure @Parameter END'

    EXEC sp_MSforeachdb @sql

    What am I missing?

  • Vishal, I forgot to add one additional note. The preceding does seem to be executed on every DB (except the four that are excluded), but for each of the executions (eleven for this particular SQL Server instance), it seems to be running on the [Utility] database, rather than the eleven databases used by the sp_MSforeachdb.

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