pass parameters to dts using xp_cmdshell rundts

  • hi all,

    can someone pls show me how to pass two parameters to a dts package using something like...

    exec master..xp_cmdshell 'dtsrun /S Server_Name /N Package_Name /E /A ParametersHere'

    then once that is done, how can I then insert those values into a table (from within the DTS package) using something like...






    I'm thinking I'll probably need to set up a couple of global variables in the DTS package as well?

    thanks, sho.

    Edited by - shoayb on 08/20/2003 04:39:58 AM

  • hi again all,

    i've figured it out, here's a response to my question...


    a) Create a server/database connection

    b) Create a SQL Task thing in DTS designer

    c) Enter the following SQL Statement...

    insert into Table_Name values (?)

    (make sure the table exists)

    d) Click on the Parameters button and select a global variable you've already created

    Now when you run the DTS package through the DTS designer the ? (in the SQL Statement)will be replaced by the global variable value.

    If you run it through, say, query analyser using:

    exec master..xp_cmdshell 'dtsrun /S Server_Name /N Package_Name /E /A Global_Variable_Name=xyz'

    then the ? will be replaced with xyz.


    Edited by - shoayb on 08/20/2003 06:04:11 AM

    Edited by - shoayb on 08/21/2003 10:52:06 AM

  • hi again,

    i've had a few emails from people and i've changed the sql syntax in my prev post so it should work.

    also, here's a stored procedure and some ASP to run the stored procedure should you want.


    create procedure execute_dts_package @dts_package_name varchar(100), @parameter_string varchar(100) as

    declare @exec_string as varchar(255)

    set @exec_string = 'master..xp_cmdshell ' + '''dtsrun /S SQL_Server_Name /N ' + @dts_package_name + ' /E /A ' + @parameter_string + ''''

    exec (@exec_string)


    2) ASP Page

    <%@Language=VBScript %>


    call sub_execute_dts_package ("DTS_Package_Name", "Parameter_Name=Parameter_Value")

    sub sub_execute_dts_package (p_dts_package_name, p_parameter_string)

    Dim objConn, objerr, exec_string

    Set objConn = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Connection")

    objConn.Open "Driver={SQL Server};Server=SQL_Server_Name;Database=Database_Name;Uid=User_ID;Pwd=Password"

    exec_string = "exec execute_dts_package " & "'" & p_dts_package_name & "'," & " '" & p_parameter_string & "'"

    objConn.Execute exec_string

    Response.Write "DTS Package " & p_dts_package_name & " succeeded"

    end sub



    Edited by - shoayb on 08/22/2003 07:16:55 AM

  • I am running the following:

    master..xp_cmdshell 'dtsrun /S ricmssql02 /U admindw /P letmein /N "scott - debug"'

    but also send parameters. I am seeing the following to do that:

    /A global_parameter_name:typeid=value

    And also that the whole thing can be repeated to send multiple.

    My questions are; What is the delimiter for multiple? What are the values for typeid?

    I have Googled and looked at msdn and can't find a good explanation.

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