pass null value to that parameter from url

  • Hi

    I have an Store procedure which gives me correct output when i pass the below parameter

    [usp_fpg_sa_acc_ledger] 0,0,'ALL',3,null,null,null,1,1000,0

    I used the same SP and i created a parameter in SSRS to pass values to the SP from parmeter like below

    exec usp_fpg_sa_acc_ledger @ii_acc_ledger_id,@ii_ref_doc_id,@ii_source_type,@ii_tenantid,@inv_input,@inv_sorting_columns,@ivc_sort_by,@ii_startrowno,@ii_maxrows,@oi_countrow

    Now i'm calling this report from aspx page like below

    http://ZSLW034/reportserver?/ServiceAccelerator/Posting Transactions Summary&ii_acc_ledger_id=0&ii_ref_doc_id=0&ii_source_type=All&ii_tenantid=3&inv_input=&inv_sorting_columns=&ivc_sort_by=&ii_startrowno=1&ii_maxrows=10&oi_countrow=0&rc:Parameters=false

    Here is my doubt. I don't know how to pass null value to that parameter from url.

    Kindly help me out

    Please feel free to let me know if you are not clear or I’ve misunderstood anything.

    Arunkumar S P

  • In Report Designer, can you set a default value in the report parameters box (default values tab) of '=Nothing' (the VB way of specifying null), then omit the parameter on the URL.

    I think it should then get defaulted to NULL in the SP call

  • Thanks fro your reply Brown,

    I found the solution

    Now i'm passing value like below in url, if my parameter has null value


    Please feel free to let me know if you are not clear or I’ve misunderstood anything.

    Arunkumar S P

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