pass a where clause to reporting services

  • Hi all,

    I need to develpe a report that takes user's input from .net editable datagrid - the datagrid is dynamic populated from user's selection from a listbox. 

    Say from the listbox, 3 items were selected, then the datagrid will display the related info for these 3 items.  The datagrid has 4 columns.  First is the item name, second is the Minimum of the item value, third is the maximum of the item value, the fourth column is an operator 'and/or'.  The user can edit the datagrid (sort of build a query, like narrows down the range of the min and max and/or 2nd item's criterias and/or 3rd item's criteria, etc).

    I would like to pass this query to reporting services in the where clause.  Is it possible?  I just thik reporting services matrix is so powerful.  It will be much faster than if I build it in .net.

    Your help is very much appreciated,

  • You probably will need to use the web service. Set up the report with the parameters specified in the query using the @ParameterName convention. Then you have to set a reference to the web service in the .Net project. Once you have that the code sample below should help get you started to output the report.

    Sub ClientReportGeneration( _

    ByVal sRSWeb_Report_Location As String, _

    ByVal sOutput_Report_Name As String, _

    ByVal sOutput_SubFolder_Location As String, _

    ByVal sOutput_Report_Format As String, _

    ByVal bReport_Parameters As Boolean)

    'Below is the name of the web service that was set up in the reference

    Dim rs As New WebService_dub0pwsql20.ReportingService

    Dim arWarnings() As WebService_dub0pwsql20.Warning

    Dim LogonCredentials As System.Net.NetworkCredential

    ' Render arguments

    Dim result As Byte() = Nothing

    'Dim rptformat As String = "EXCEL"

    Dim historyID As String = Nothing

    Dim devInfo As String = "<DeviceInfo><Toolbar>False</Toolbar></DeviceInfo>"

    Dim credentials As WebService_dub0pwsql20.DataSourceCredentials() = Nothing

    Dim showHideToggle As String = Nothing

    Dim encoding As String

    Dim mimeType As String

    Dim warnings As WebService_dub0pwsql20.Warning() = Nothing

    Dim reportHistoryParameters As WebService_dub0pwsql20.ParameterValue() = Nothing

    Dim streamIDs As String() = Nothing

    Dim sh As New WebService_dub0pwsql20.SessionHeader

    Dim sOutputFormatFileType As String

    Dim iRowIndex As Integer

    Dim iNewRowIndex As Integer

    Dim iCnt As Integer


    Dim parameters() As WebService_dub0pwsql20.ParameterValue 'A zero based array for the parameters for this report


    'In this case I am going through a datagrid to pick up and generate multiple reports.

    iRowIndex = 0

    iNewRowIndex = 1

    dgRSReportParameters.CurrentRowIndex() = 0

    If bReport_Parameters = True Then

    'loop through the paramenters for this report get the name and value

    While iRowIndex <> iNewRowIndex

    ' The datagrid row index will not increment above the number of rows.

    'This loop continues until the row counter does not increment any more

    'At that point you are at the end of the data in the datagrid.

    'The data grid doesn't have a count for the records showing in a parent child grid

    'So this is used to get the number of records and create the parameter array.

    'Set the current row index

    iRowIndex = dgRSReportParameters.CurrentRowIndex()

    'Increment the current row

    dgRSReportParameters.CurrentRowIndex() += 1

    'Set the new row index

    iNewRowIndex = dgRSReportParameters.CurrentRowIndex()

    End While

    ReDim parameters(iNewRowIndex) 'As WebService_dub0pwsql20.ParameterValue

    'For each parameter set the value in the array as shown beow

    For iCnt = 0 To iNewRowIndex

    parameters(iCnt) = New WebService_dub0pwsql20.ParameterValue

    parameters(iCnt).Name = dgRSReportParameters.Item(iCnt, 1)

    parameters(iCnt).Value = dgRSReportParameters.Item(iCnt, 2)


    Else ' There are no parameters indicated in the report grid

    parameters =


    End If

    'Set the login credentials that will be used to run the report

    LogonCredentials =

    New System.Net.NetworkCredential("sjohnson03", "sj4XXXXX51", "PutDomainNameHere")

    rs.Credentials = LogonCredentials

    rs.PreAuthenticate =


    rs.SessionHeaderValue = sh


    result = rs.Render(sRSWeb_Report_Location, sOutput_Report_Format, historyID, devInfo, parameters, _

    credentials, showHideToggle, encoding, mimeType, reportHistoryParameters, warnings, streamIDs)

    sh.SessionId = rs.SessionHeaderValue.SessionId

    Catch e As Exception

    Me.Cursor = Cursors.Default

    MessageBox.Show(sRSWeb_Report_Location.ToString & vbCrLf & dgRSReportParameters.Item(iCnt, 2))

    End Try

    Select Case sOutput_Report_Format

    Case Is = "Excel"

    sOutputFormatFileType = ".xls"

    Case Is = "PDF"

    sOutputFormatFileType = ".pdf"

    Case Is = "MHTML"

    sOutputFormatFileType = ".mhtml"

    End Select


    Dim stream As FileStream = System.IO.File.Create(sOutput_SubFolder_Location & sOutput_Report_Name & sOutputFormatFileType, result.Length)

    stream.Write(result, 0, result.Length)


    Catch e As Exception

    Me.Cursor = Cursors.Default


    End Try

  • When I want to pass variables from VB.Net to Report Writer I just use something like this:

    Dim IEForm As New frmIEWindow

    With IEForm

    .URLAddress = "http://SQL/ReportServer?%2fTrustSafekeepingReports%2fHoldingListForAccount&AccountID=" & AccountID & "&rcarameters=false"


                        End With

  • I want to thank you both for the replies.

    To be honest, I am not familiar with the web server, so I probably need to read up some materials before I can implement the way Stuart provided.  But I believe if I understand it, it will give me a great flexibility using reporting services.  If someone can point me to an article regarding codes in .net to handle reporting services, I will really appreciate that.

    I used parameters in reporting services only for part of the where clause not the whole where clause, maybe it'll still work.  But after I re examine the project, I maybe can use datagrid to display the data within .net.  User's selection only affect the records (row numbers) not the number of columns - I thought I needed to use the matrix in reproting services for dynamic column adding.

    But thanks again for your replies,


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