Pass a table variable column value to a SP output variable

  • How to pass a table variable column value to a SP output variable

    I want the values in column v (table variable column) to be assigned to @HCodes(SP output variable)

    I have a query like this:

    DECLARE @MaterialCode varchar(max)

    SELECT @MaterialCode = materialItemCode FROM local_MaterialsItemsContainers MIC

    INNER JOIN local_MaterialsItems MI

    ON (MIC.materialItemIncId = MI.materialItemIncId AND MIC.materialItemSqlId = MI.materialItemSqlId AND MI.isDeleted=0x0)

    WHERE charindex(MIC.materialItemContainerCode,'MC-00000030-13-0001')<>0

    select @MaterialCode

    DECLARE @HCodes nvarchar(MAX)

    declare @t table (id int identity(1, 1), v varchar(50))

    INSERT @t

    SELECT LH.hazardCode from Local_MaterialsItems MI

    INNER JOIN Local_MaterialsItemsHazards MIH

    on MI.materialItemIncId = MIH.materialItemIncId AND MI.materialItemSqlId = MIH.materialItemSqlId

    INNER JOIN Local_Hazards LH

    on MIH.hazardIncId = LH.hazardIncId AND MIH.hazardSqlId = LH.hazardSqlId

    where charindex(MI.materialItemCode,@MaterialCode)<>0

    declare @Numbers table (i int identity(1, 1), j bit)

    insert into @Numbers

    select top 50 null from master.dbo.syscolumns a, master.dbo.syscolumns b

    select distinct left(substring(','+v, i + 1, 50), charindex(',', substring(','+v+',', i + 1, 50))-1) as v

    from @t t, @Numbers

    where substring(','+v, i, 1) = ','

    order by v

  • Somewhat difficult to figure out what you are trying to do here. I think maybe you are trying to generate a comma separated list of values from the last query?

    Take a look at this article. It explains exactly how to do that using FOR XML.[/url]

    I would also make a suggestion that you either use a permanent numbers table or generate one using a cte. When you use system tables it can get really slow.

    Below is an example of doing this with a cte. Creating your numbers table like this results in 0 reads because it doesn't have to touch any actual tables.


    E1(i) AS (select 1 from (values (1),(1),(1),(1),(1),(1),(1),(1),(1),(1))dt(i)),

    E2(i) AS (SELECT 1 FROM E1 a, E1 b), --10E+2 or 100 rows

    cteTally(i) AS




    select distinct left(substring(','+v, i + 1, 50), charindex(',', substring(','+v+',', i + 1, 50))-1) as v

    from @t t, cteTally

    where substring(','+v, i, 1) = ','

    order by v

    declare @Numbers table (i int identity(1, 1), j bit)

    insert into @Numbers

    select top 50 null from master.dbo.syscolumns a, master.dbo.syscolumns b

    select distinct left(substring(','+v, i + 1, 50), charindex(',', substring(','+v+',', i + 1, 50))-1) as v

    from @t t, @Numbers

    where substring(','+v, i, 1) = ','

    order by v


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  • Thank You for that.

    But how to return the value in column v (table variable column) to be assigned to @HCodes(SP output variable).

    The code presently I having is below:

    ALTER PROCEDURE [dbo].[eusp_e5_eSM_AS01_MaterialStockRecordReportHdr]

    @MaterialItemContainerCode nvarchar(1000),

    @HCodes varchar(max) OUTPUT


    DECLARE @MaterialCode varchar(max)

    SELECT @MaterialCode = materialItemCode FROM local_MaterialsItemsContainers MIC

    INNER JOIN local_MaterialsItems MI

    ON (MIC.materialItemIncId = MI.materialItemIncId AND MIC.materialItemSqlId = MI.materialItemSqlId AND MI.isDeleted=0x0)

    WHERE charindex(MIC.materialItemContainerCode,'MC-00000030-13-0001')<>0

    declare @t table (id int identity(1, 1), v varchar(50))

    INSERT @t

    SELECT LH.hazardCode from Local_MaterialsItems MI

    INNER JOIN Local_MaterialsItemsHazards MIH

    on MI.materialItemIncId = MIH.materialItemIncId AND MI.materialItemSqlId = MIH.materialItemSqlId

    INNER JOIN Local_Hazards LH

    on MIH.hazardIncId = LH.hazardIncId AND MIH.hazardSqlId = LH.hazardSqlId

    where charindex(MI.materialItemCode,@MaterialCode)<>0


    E1(i) AS (select 1 from (values (1),(1),(1),(1),(1),(1),(1),(1),(1),(1))dt(i)),

    E2(i) AS (SELECT 1 FROM E1 a, E1 b), --10E+2 or 100 rows

    cteTally(i) AS




    select distinct left(substring(','+v, i + 1, 50), charindex(',', substring(','+v+',', i + 1, 50))-1) as v

    from @t t, cteTally

    where substring(','+v, i, 1) = ','

    order by v

  • I will quote myself here.

    Sean Lange (10/11/2013)

    Somewhat difficult to figure out what you are trying to do here. I think maybe you are trying to generate a comma separated list of values from the last query?

    Take a look at this article. It explains exactly how to do that using FOR XML.[/url]


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  • I want to pass the comma separated values to the SSRS report to display there.

    That's why I have used @Hcodes for output parameter.

    I want to pass the comma separated values in table variable column v to be passed to @Hcodes.

    That's my requirement. I have posted my code for your easy understanding.

  • SELECT @HCodes = DISTINCT...

    That should do it, shouldn't it?


  • John Mitchell-245523 (10/16/2013)

    SELECT @HCodes = DISTINCT...

    That should do it, shouldn't it?


    That will only return the value of one row, not all rows comma separated.


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  • Junglee_George (10/16/2013)

    I want to pass the comma separated values to the SSRS report to display there.

    That's why I have used @Hcodes for output parameter.

    I want to pass the comma separated values in table variable column v to be passed to @Hcodes.

    That's my requirement. I have posted my code for your easy understanding.

    And the only piece left is to read the article I posted twice now. It will show you exactly how to generate the comma separated list from a query. I could cobble something together but there are two issues with that. The first is that I don't have any tables to work with so my code would be at best a close guess. The second issue is that if I write the code for you, you don't learn how to do it. I am trying to teach you how to "fish", not hand you a solution.


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  • Ah yes - in my great haste I assumed that your query resulted in the comma-separated list. I can't tell whether the issue here is generating the list, or getting it into the output variable?


  • John Mitchell-245523 (10/16/2013)

    Ah yes - in my great haste I assumed that your query resulted in the comma-separated list. I can't tell whether the issue here is generating the list, or getting it into the output variable?


    A little of both I think.


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  • If you have understood the problem, please write the code for the solution. I am working for almost a week on this. Thank You.

  • Junglee_George (10/17/2013)

    If you have understood the problem, please write the code for the solution. I am working for almost a week on this. Thank You.

    I can't write the code. I don't have any tables to work with. You would have been done on the 11th (the first day you posted) if you had listened to what I said. The article I have posted about generating a comma separated list explains EXACTLY how to do this. We still haven't seen any ddl or sample data. And it sounds like you basically want us to do your work for you. There are two major issues with that. First around here we like to teach people so they can do these things themselves in the future. Secondly, you are the one getting paid for this not any of us. In fact, we don't get paid at all for what we do on the forums. I can probably write the sql in less than 5 minutes if I had ddl and sample data to work with.

    I have tried on this and a couple of your other threads lately to get you to post ddl but you refuse. I'm out.


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  • Junglee_George (10/17/2013)

    If you have understood the problem, please write the code for the solution. I am working for almost a week on this. Thank You.

    You've been around this forum long enough and have been told how to get this kind of help many times. Please provide the DDL and the data in a readily consumable format. Please read and heed the article at the first link in the "Helpful Links" section of my signature line below.

    --Jeff Moden

    RBAR is pronounced "ree-bar" and is a "Modenism" for Row-By-Agonizing-Row.
    First step towards the paradigm shift of writing Set Based code:
    ________Stop thinking about what you want to do to a ROW... think, instead, of what you want to do to a COLUMN.

    Change is inevitable... Change for the better is not.

    Helpful Links:
    How to post code problems
    How to Post Performance Problems
    Create a Tally Function (fnTally)

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