
  • Hi,

    I've an Items table partitioned on item_id, which is also a primary key and clustered index. The partitioning scheme puts 500K of item_ids per partition. For reretrieval of information from Items tables based on items_id, would it be beneficial to add partition id to Items table as part of clustered index? I was thinking about creating a function that returns partition id based on items_id, then use both partition id and items_id when joining to Items table. Would it improve performance to have partition id in the table? Or having to make an additional call to a function to determine partition id would just slow things down in an OLTP system?


  • You can return the partition ID this way:


  • Joining to a table on a single int clustered primary key is as about as efficient as it gets. ( clustered index seek)

    Adding partition _id will bloat your non clustered indexes and also effectively preclude merge joins based on item_id.

    Do you have a particular query that isn't performing?

    Otherwise, i'd leave it alone.

  • Lexa (10/8/2011)

    I've an Items table partitioned on item_id, which is also a primary key and clustered index. The partitioning scheme puts 500K of item_ids per partition. For reretrieval of information from Items tables based on items_id, would it be beneficial to add partition id to Items table as part of clustered index?

    Optimizer knows which specific partitions to touch therefore - since query is going to access data by PK - it doesn't make sense to manually point to a specific one.

    If in doubt, you may want to implement in development database and compare execution plans.

    Pablo (Paul) Berzukov

    Author of Understanding Database Administration available at Amazon and other bookstores.

    Disclaimer: Advice is provided to the best of my knowledge but no implicit or explicit warranties are provided. Since the advisor explicitly encourages testing any and all suggestions on a test non-production environment advisor should not held liable or responsible for any actions taken based on the given advice.

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