Partition in sql

  • I have the following data frame:

    df = pd.DataFrame({'A': [6,0,  4,2,  8, 2,  6,0, 4,8],
    'B': range(0, 12),
    'C': ['a', 'b','c', 'd', 'e','a', 'b','c', 'd', 'e']})
    A B C
    0 6 0 a
    1 0 1 b
    2 4 2 c
    3 2 3 d
    4 8 4 e
    --------------- partition by C
    5 2 5 a
    6 6 6 b
    7 0 7 c
    8 4 8 d
    9 8 9 e

    My final data frame is as follows:

    import pandas as pd
    import random as rand
    df = pd.DataFrame({'A': [0, 2, 4, 6, 8,0, 2, 4, 6, 8],
    'B': range(0, 12),
    'C': ['a', 'b','c', 'd', 'e','a', 'b','c', 'd', 'e']})
    A B C
    0 0 0 a
    1 2 1 b
    2 4 2 c
    3 6 3 d
    4 8 4 e
    --------------- partition by C
    5 0 5 a
    6 2 6 b
    7 4 7 c
    8 6 8 d
    9 8 9 e

    As you can see, I have a partition from a to e in the C column of the data frame, and I need to sort the A column depending on the partitions in C. I couldn't come up with a good solution. This is similar to Partition by in SQL.

    I need to sort the values of two columns partition by partition, just like we do in SQL partition by partition, as described in this manual. In this case, I explain why I require it.


  • Thanks for posting your issue and hopefully someone will answer soon.

    This is an automated bump to increase visibility of your question.

  • Have you tried using groupby() and apply() functions in pandas?

  • This was removed by the editor as SPAM

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