parsing @table values out into a HTML table

  • I'm sending a notification email in HTML format and there is data in a table function type i want to send in the email as a html table. is there a neat way to do it or do i need to get messy looping though the table value?

    the IDEAL solution would have been if reporting services subscription model wasn't so primative and could send reports in a conditional manner. if i could suck in a report and send it via email from an sql server job (like below) that'd be great as well - unfortunately that's way way beyond my skill level.

    DECLARE @results as table(target_name VARCHAR(50), target_value numeric);

    INSERT INTO @results (target_name , target_value )

    (SELECT target_name , target_value from foo);


    (SELECT count(*) from @results) > 0


    EXEC msdb.dbo.sp_send_dbmail @recipients='',

    @subject = 'Approching targets',

    @body = @results, <-- convert that guy into a html table

    @body_format = 'HTML'


  • This code dispenses with the need to create a table variable; results are drawn directly from your table "foo" using the FOR XML clause to do the tagging.

    Whilst this works OK, I suspect there's a smarter way of constructing the HTML table; I couldn't work out how else to generate the table header and detail elements in the same query.

    DECLARE @xml1 as nvarchar(max)

    DECLARE @mailbody as nvarchar(max)

    -- Set up table and th tags

    SET @xml1 =

    (SELECT Tag




    ,[tr!2!tn!ELEMENT] AS [tr!2!th!ELEMENT]


    (SELECT 1 AS Tag


    ,1 AS [table!1!border]

    ,NULL AS [tr!2!th!ELEMENT]

    ,NULL AS [tr!2!tn!ELEMENT]


    SELECT 2 AS Tag

    ,1 AS Parent

    ,NULL AS [table!1!border]

    ,'name' AS [tr!2!td!ELEMENT]

    ,'value' AS [tr!2!tn!ELEMENT]

    ) AS a


    -- Set up td tags

    SET @mailbody =

    (SELECT 1 AS Tag

    ,NULL AS Parent

    ,target_name AS [tr!1!td!ELEMENT]

    ,target_value AS [tr!1!td!ELEMENT]

    FROM foo


    -- Concatenate header and detail together

    -- SET @mailbody = replace(@xml1,' ')

    The SQLServerCentral comment filter prevents the line above from being displayed correctly; I've attached a text file with the complete code

    -- @mailbody can now be used in mail, or whatever

    SELECT @mailbody

  • hmm yeah i really wanted to stay away from storing any formatting in the sql code, doesn't gel with our projects layout of data->business rules->formatting

    maybe i've just uncovered a new feature request

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