Parsing data before storing

  • Hi,

    Does anyone know if there is a standard parser to check data before it is stored in a database. Reason for this is that our web site is now being upgraded to be CSS/XHtml compliant. It's one thing to have the page templates compliant, but quite another to ensure that data being sent to the database (to eventually be dislplayed in one of the templates) is compliant.


    <A Href = "Blah">Link</A>

    Is not compliant (for a number of reasons). Replace statements are not feasible (there would have to be literally thousands of them to check and replace all the things that couldbe wrong.


    Many Thanks






  • Replace statements are not feasible (there would have to be literally thousands of them to check and replace all the things that couldbe wrong.

    Perhaps you have answered your own question.  If you can't programmatically describe the rules, you won't be able to get a computer to enforce them.


  • Hi Jeff,


    It's not that the rules can't be programmatically described, it's more that the programming would be more in keeping with a separate module written and maintained by specialists. If you've ever used DreamWeaver and seen the way it highlights html errors in yellow, that's the sort of checking I'd  like. I am thinking there must be a plug in or something I can send my data to for checking before I send it to the database.




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