Parsing and Insert troubles

  • Have a table with SalesPersons and there approved territories.


    SalesID | States


    11 VA

    12 VANJTX

    13 NY


    need to parse the states field into individual states and create a seperate record into new table for each...

    SalesID | States


    11 VA

    12 VA

    12 NJ

    13 NY

    13 TX

    14 OK

    14 WA

    14 AZ

    14 PA

    14 MS

    Any help would be greatly appreciated! Thanks.

  • declare @i int

    select @i = -1

    while @@rowcount > 0


    select @i = @i + 2

    insert newtbl

    select SalesID, substring(States,@i,2)

    from oldtbl

    where len(Sales) >= @i + 1


    Cursors never.

    DTS - only when needed and never to control.

    Cursors never.
    DTS - only when needed and never to control.

  • Worked like a charm!


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