Parse string and re-format at same time

  • Hi,

    Could anyone kindly help me with the following problem I am having (SQLServer 2008)

    I have a table of data (TableTest)

    with the following structure

    ID int,

    oldCoords varchgar(max),

    newCoords varchar(max),

    The oldCoords column has data which I need to parse putting the result into the newCoords column for all rows in the table.

    A sample of oldCoords data is as follows...


    What I need would be the above formatted to 123.89 1400, 107 -1.98, 124.9001 103.67, 12 -40

    (basically a series of coordinate pairs with a space between the X and Y and a comma at the end of each pair [no comma on the end of the last pair]).

    I need to run the script as update to populate the new column in the table for up to 100000 rows.

    Any suggestions?

    Many thanks and kind regards.


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  • stewartc-708166 (1/24/2011)

    Would something like the following help?

    DECLARE @StrStart NVARCHAR(MAX), @StrFin NVARCHAR(MAX) = '', @RecordCount INT = 0

    SELECT @StrStart = '123.89;1400;107;-1.98;124.9001;103.67;12;-40;'

    WHILE DATALENGTH(@StrStart) > 0


    SELECT @StrFin += LEFT(@StrStart, CHARINDEX(';',@StrStart)-1),

    @StrStart = RIGHT(@StrStart, LEN(@StrStart) - CHARINDEX(';',@StrStart)),

    @RecordCount += 1

    SELECT @StrFin += CASE WHEN @RecordCount%2 = 0 AND DATALENGTH(@StrStart) > 0 THEN ', ' ELSE ' ' END


    SELECT @StrFin


    That appears to do what I need - many thanks for taking the time.

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