July 22, 2015 at 10:54 am
Comments posted to this topic are about the item Parse list of names from Outlook
August 13, 2015 at 1:27 am
Hi Noel
Thanks for sharing your script. It reminded me of a time I needed to do something similar.
I have taken the liberty of modifying your code. If I add or remove spaces after the semi-colon the output gets broken.
Now I split the list into a table and update the table with the names( as well as the emails).
select @last_name_first = 0
SET @names = 'O''Brien, Bob <bobrien@somedomain.com>;Doe, Jane <jdoe@somedomain.com> ; Van der Merwe, Koos <bla@bla>'
-----------------------Split string into table
declare @List table(Row int,sValue varchar(200),Name varchar(100),Email varchar(100))
declare @string AS VARCHAR(4000), @Seperator AS CHAR(1)
select @Seperator = ';', @string = @names
insert into @List
row_number() over (order by number) as 'Row'
,ltrim(rtrim(substring(@string, number, charindex(@Seperator, @string + @Seperator, number) - number))) AS sValue
from (select number from master..spt_values where type='p') as numbers
where substring(@Seperator + @string, number, 1) = @Seperator
order by number
-----------------------Update table row by row :P
declare @Row int,@sValue varchar(200)
declare cur cursor for select Row,sValue from @List
open cur
fetch next from cur into @Row, @sValue
while @@fetch_status = 0 begin
select @index = 1
select @lt_index = charindex('<', @sValue, @index)
--select @gt_index = charindex('>', @sValue, @index)
select @full_name = substring(@sValue, @index, (@lt_index - 1) - @index)
select @comma_index = charindex(',', @full_name)
-----update the names
IF @comma_index = 0
update @List set Name = @full_name where Row = @Row
else begin
set @first_name = substring(@full_name, @comma_index + 2, len(@full_name) - @comma_index)
set @last_name = substring(@full_name, 1, @comma_index - 1)
if @last_name_first = 1
update @List set Name = @last_name + ', ' + @first_name where Row = @Row
update @List set Name = @first_name + ' ' + @last_name where Row = @Row
-----update the emails
update @List set Email = substring(@sValue, @lt_index + 1, len(@sValue) - (@lt_index+1)) where Row = @Row
fetch next from cur into @Row, @sValue
close cur
deallocate cur
select * from @List
One can then use it to update a database perhaps..
Best Regards
August 16, 2015 at 10:22 am
Gotta thank you for your notion of using OutLook to validate and standardize. Really good.
For simple string parsing I've been experimenting with CROSS APPLY. I like it because, once I got used to it, it seems simpler to understand and document.
declare @names nvarchar(max)
SET @names = N'O''Brien, Bob <bobrien@somedomain.com>;Doe, Jane <jdoe@somedomain.com> ; Van der Merwe, Koos <bla@bla>'
ltrim(rtrim(s3.first)) FirstName
,ltrim(rtrim(s3.last)) LastName
,ltrim(rtrim(s2.email)) Email
from dbo.DelimitedSplit8K(@names, N';') s1 -- convert to rows (By Jeff Moden)
cross apply (select charindex(N'<', s1.Item ) ) Idxs(n) -- locate email phrase
cross apply (select substring( s1.Item, 1, Idxs.n - 1 ) as names, substring(s1.item, idxs.n+1, len(s1.item) - idxs.n - 1 ) email) s2 -- get names, email
cross apply (select charIndex(N',', s2.names ) ) Idxc(n) -- locate name splitter
cross apply (select substring( s2.names, 1, idxc.n -1 ) last, substring( s2.names, idxc.n + 1 , len(s2.names) - idxc.n ) first) s3 -- get first, last
August 18, 2015 at 12:48 am
Hi trimjib
That looks much better and a lot easier to maintain, thanks!:-)
August 18, 2015 at 8:01 am
Thanks for the script.
March 24, 2016 at 6:49 am
Thanks for the script.
March 28, 2020 at 1:33 pm
Since the arrival of STRING_SPLIT() in SQL Server 2016 we can use that in place of DelimitedSplit8K() function.
DECLARE @names VARCHAR(4000)
SET @names = N'O''Brien, Bob <bobrien@somedomain.com>; Doe, Jane <jdoe@somedomain.com>; Van der Merwe, Koos <bla@bla>';
LTRIM(RTRIM(s3.first)) FirstName
, LTRIM(RTRIM(s3.last)) LastName
, LTRIM(RTRIM(s2.email)) Email
FROM STRING_SPLIT(@names, N';') s1 -- convert to rows (By Jeff Moden)
CROSS APPLY (SELECT CHARINDEX(N'<', s1.value)) Idxs(n) -- locate email phrase
SUBSTRING(s1.value, 1, Idxs.n - 1) AS names
, SUBSTRING(s1.value, Idxs.n + 1, LEN(s1.value) - Idxs.n - 1) email
) s2 -- get names, email
CROSS APPLY (SELECT CHARINDEX(N',', s2.names)) Idxc(n) -- locate name splitter
SUBSTRING(s2.names, 1, Idxc.n - 1) last
, SUBSTRING(s2.names, Idxc.n + 1, LEN(s2.names) - Idxc.n) first
) s3; -- get first, last
March 28, 2020 at 2:33 pm
I agree. Because there is no requirement for maintaining the order in which the parsed elements appear, String_Split() is the better choice here.
The thing is that you have to be careful to not limit yourself. I have seen distribution and CC lists that exceed even VARCHAR(8000), never mind VARCHAR(4000).
--Jeff Moden
Change is inevitable... Change for the better is not.
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