Parse delimited string into XML data

  • I have a table that holds audit data. For every row that's inserted, updated, or deleted into the database, a row gets added to the AuditLog table.

    The data is stored in a pipe-delimited column. I need to parse the delimited string into XML. I need to get the column names from the table that the data

    was inserted into, and use those as the attribute columns of the XML data.

    Here is a little example using two different tables, L_APPCATTYPES and M_APPCATTYPES. There are over 100 tables worth of data stored in the AuditLog table.

    CREATE TABLE [dbo].[AuditLog](

    [AuditPK] [int] NOT NULL,

    [TableName] [varchar](128) NOT NULL,

    [ActionType] [char](1) NOT NULL,

    [BeforeImage] [varchar](2000) NULL)



    [CATTYPE] [numeric](2, 0) NOT NULL,

    [CATCODE] [varchar](10) NOT NULL,

    [CATDESC] [varchar](50) NOT NULL,

    [CATRANK] [numeric](2, 0) NULL,

    [OBJECTTYPE] [numeric](2, 0) NOT NULL)



    [CATCODE] [varchar](50) NOT NULL,

    [CATTYPE] [numeric](2, 0) NOT NULL)


    insert into AuditLog([AuditPK],[TableName],[ActionType],[BeforeImage])values(1,'L_APPCATTYPES','I','1|UNSPEC|UNDERSPECIFIED SOURCE VALUE||-1')

    insert into AuditLog([AuditPK][TableName],[ActionType],[BeforeImage])values(2,'M_APPCATTYPES','I','PANTS|1')


    insert into M_APPCATTYPES([CATCODE],[CATTYPE]) values('PANTS',1)

    I want to update the BeforeImage data in the Auditlog table to XML. But I need the column names as the attributes of the XML.

    So the following queries would return the following:

    SELECT BeforeImage FROM AuditLog WHERE AuditPK = 1




    <CATRANK />


    SELECT BeforeImage FROM AuditLog WHERE AuditPK = 2



  • Please describe the rules how to assign an XML tag name to a specific value.

    The way it seems like it is designed: the data are inserted based on the "position" of a column in the create table statement.

    What would happen to your audit concept if I'd open the table L_APPCATTYPES in SSMS in design mode and move the column OBJECTTYPE one position up (so it will appear before CATRANK)? I'm not saying that's recommended, but I've seen it just too often....

    (As a side note: I purposely picked two columns with identical data type.)

    Regarding your original question:

    You could join the result of your split string function to sys.tables and sys.columns

    SELECT AuditLog.*,s.*,

    FROM AuditLog

    CROSS APPLY SSC_Test.dbo.DelimitedSplit8K(BeforeImage,'|') s

    INNER JOIN sys.tables t ON

    INNER JOIN sys.columns c ON t.object_id=c.object_id AND c.column_id=itemnumber

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  • I'm very new to XML in SQL Server, so i'm not exactly sure how to answer your first question.

    As to the second, it would be bad if someone were to change the order of the columns. That's why we're changing it to XML so that we'll have the column names with the correct data.

  • Here is one way for PK = 1:

    WITH cte(element)

    AS (SELECT CONVERT(XML, '<root><i>' + REPLACE(beforeImage, '|', '</i><i>') + '</i></root>') AS element

    FROM AuditLog

    WHERE AuditPK = 1


    SELECT element.value('/root[1]/i[1]', 'varchar(100)') AS CATTYPE,

    element.value('/root[1]/i[2]', 'varchar(100)') AS CATCODE,

    element.value('/root[1]/i[3]', 'varchar(100)') AS CATDESC,

    element.value('/root[1]/i[4]', 'varchar(100)') AS CATRANK,

    element.value('/root[1]/i[5]', 'varchar(100)') AS OBJECTTYPE

    FROM cte


    You could create one of these for each of your PK values.

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  • I tried something like that at first, but the column names change. So i can't hardcode the column names in the SELECT FROM cte. I tried creating dynamic sql but couldn't figure it out.

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