September 13, 2010 at 4:33 pm
Hi there-
I am trying to shape an xml result from a query using xml explicit. I am very new to using for xml explicit queries. The query retrieves transaction data from a t-log table and lists different line items based on what the line item type is. I got most of the nodes correct for the xml transaction/customer file based on a certain schema, but the detailed line items portion is giving me a little trouble. Here is an example of what i am trying to get as a result.
But instead i get:
This is the sql that i am using.
select 1 as Tag,
null as Parent,
null as [Transaction!1!LineItem!element],
null as [LineItem!2!Sale!element],
null as [Sale!3!ItemSKU!element],
null as [Sale!3!Quantity!element],
null as [Sale!3!ExtendedAmount!element]
from openquery(TLog_hqtj,
trn_receiptnumber as TransactionID,
tli_scancode as Sale_ItemSKU,
tli_quantity as Sale_Quantity,
extendedprice as Sale_ExtendedAmount
from v_TJTrans
') [Transaction]
select 2 as Tag,
1 as Parent,
null as [Transaction!1!LineItem!element],
null as [LineItem!2!Sale!element],
null as [Sale!3!ItemSKU!element],
null as [Sale!3!Quantity!element],
null as [Sale!3!ExtendedAmount!element]
from openquery(TLog_hqtj,
trn_receiptnumber as TransactionID,
tli_scancode as Sale_ItemSKU,
tli_quantity as Sale_Quantity,
extendedprice as Sale_ExtendedAmount
from v_TJTrans
') [Transaction]
select 3 as Tag,
2 as Parent,
null as [Transaction!1!LineItem!element],
null as [LineItem!2!Sale!element],
Sale_ItemSKU as [Sale!3!ItemSKU!element],
Sale_Quantity as [Sale!3!Quantity!element],
Sale_ExtendedAmount as [Sale!3!ExtendedAmount!element]
from openquery(TLog_hqtj,
trn_receiptnumber as TransactionID,
tli_scancode as Sale_ItemSKU,
tli_quantity as Sale_Quantity,
extendedprice as Sale_ExtendedAmount
from v_TJTrans
') [Transaction]
for xml explicit
Does anyone know any tricks on how to shape the nodes correctly?
Thank you in advace!
September 13, 2010 at 6:16 pm
Try taking a look at the PATH and ROOT options in the FOR XML clause.
You should be able to do this in a single select statement rather than 3 selects UNIONed
trn_receiptnumber as TransactionID,
tli_scancode as Sale_ItemSKU,
tli_quantity as Sale_Quantity,
extendedprice as Sale_ExtendedAmount
from v_TJTrans
PATH ('LineItem')
, ROOT ('Transaction')
September 15, 2010 at 4:04 pm
Thank you for your reply!
I am not very familiar with for xml path and couldn't get it to work. Even tried a simple select statement and it keeps telling me 'incorrect syntax near 'path''. Also, the reason i chose xml explicit is because the complete xml output is more complex and the xml i put here was just a part of it where i can't figure out the 'LineItem' node to wrap around each Item SKU. Can I do a child to parent node somehow in xml explicit for each data element that i pull from the database?
I will also include the complete xml file I am trying to get.
<AddressLine1>3048 WASHINGTON ST</AddressLine1>
<Tender TenderType = "Discount - 15% Moxie Moms">
<Tender TenderType = "Discount - 15% Moxie Moms">
<Tender TenderType = "Discount - 15% Moxie Moms">
September 15, 2010 at 4:22 pm
Hmm - According to the documentation here that should have worked.
Just checking. Which version of SQL are you using?
September 15, 2010 at 6:02 pm
I'll check it out. The sql instance i am using is SQL Server 2005 9.00
September 17, 2010 at 12:56 pm
Ops actually it's SQL Server 2000. I am using SQL 2005 Management Studio Express as my query analyzer. I don't think sql server 2000 supports xml path. Xml explicit would be my only option.
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