Parameters in SQL reports 2005

  • OK, here's one for you:

    I'm new to SQL reports, having done my reports in VB6 and ASP and such. I would like to group Report Parameters. In other words:

    Populate (Param1 & Param2) or (Param3 & Param4) or (Param5)

    and the Stored Procedure would take all inputted values, sort out actual values and do what it must.

    Any ideas. I'd appreciate any I could get. Thanx.

  • Any Reason why you couldn't send either Nulls or '' if the parameter is false and do soem checking in the stored procedure to figure out which is populated and which isn't?

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  • That is pretty much what I'm doing now. Each parameter is blank string value. The SP favors 1 set of parameters over the other. I just wanted to know if there was anyway I could group parameters, or at least include text in the parameters field which would say input PARAM1, PARAM2 or input PARAM3,PARAM4. It would look prettier in my opinion, more user friendly.

  • instead of using the built in RS rendering for that particular report, you could build an page to collect your params. Put a radial button on it that grays out the unselected params and doesn't let them enter anything, and of course some logic to validate the parameters. Then collect your params and pass them directly to the report with the input section hidden.

    To help us help you read this[/url]For better help with performance problems please read this[/url]

  • That I will do for a future version. Thanks for your input.

    I wish Microsoft would give us a little more control over how the parameters would look.

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