
  • I am working on an ssrs report and they want to be able to search by 3 parameters City, zip code and state and have it where you can pick 1 parameter, 2 parameters or all 3 what is the easiest way to do that. would it be 3 data setes or how can i do that from one data set.

  • edward_hall76 (10/3/2014)

    I am working on an ssrs report and they want to be able to search by 3 parameters City, zip code and state and have it where you can pick 1 parameter, 2 parameters or all 3 what is the easiest way to do that. would it be 3 data setes or how can i do that from one data set.

    The best way to approach this would be to have a dataset for each parameter. Then make the parameters NULLable so that the default "Please select..." message does not appear.

    "I cant stress enough the importance of switching from a sequential files mindset to set-based thinking. After you make the switch, you can spend your time tuning and optimizing your queries instead of maintaining lengthy, poor-performing code."

    -- Itzik Ben-Gan 2001

  • I have it where it pulls parameter by state and now I want to have a parameter ZipCode. Do I need to do a shared dataset because if I just add dataset nothing comes up if I enter zip code or state and I have them null in parameters.

  • You need a dataset for each parameter. a piece of code that populates the parameter list. You could also use cascade parameters - meaning, if you choose a state, then the city parameter only lists cities in that state. Here are some articles:

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