Parameter validation failed

  • I am facing the below mentioned error in reporting services:

    I am populating data in a table in MS Sql Server 2000 through a DTS package on some parameters say x and y and then running an Activex Script which runs the rs utlity to export a report in report manager to a PDF File.However the below mentioned error is being generated if I try export the file :

    Parameter validation failed. It is not possible to provide valid values for all parameters. (rsParameterError) Get Online Help

    If I try viewing the same Reporting 2000 report in .net 2003 environment on the basis of the parameters x and y it gives the below mentioned error when i run it the first time :

    Parameter validation failed .Is is not possible to provide valid values for all parameters.

    However if i run the report in .net on some other parameters say y and z and then run the report on these parameters x and y again it is running fine.

    If I do not populate the table on which the report is generated and only run the activex script with the rs utilty it is running fine and exports it to a PDF format.The problem only arises after the data is changed in the base table.Then only it starts giving these errors.

    Can you please help out.

  • It's likely some data issue. Have you checked to see if there are formulas or calculations that might be data dependent? Meaning something like a divide by 0 is occurring.

  • thanks , steve but there is nothing like that happening in the report.Moreover it is not running the first time in the environment but if i run it after deploying it with different parameter it is running fine.Looks like a time-out IIS or some config issue , but not sure

  • Hi,

    I had configure email setting in ssrs using SMTP.I had restarted ssrs server.

    When i click report => manage => New Subscription then it showing following error

    parameter validation failed .It is not possible to provide valid values for all parameter

    rsparamaeter error..

    Any solution...?

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