Parameter problem in "Execute SQL Task"

  • I'm attempting to pass in a global variable as a parameter to an "Execute SQL Task". The object of the routine is to assign a string to another global variable, the format of which is dependant on the input parameter. The examples in BOL usually show something like this:


    FROM RefDates

    WHERE FullDate = ?

    This parses fine, as you would expect. The parameter is loaded with the chosen global variable, & all is well.

    My situation is a tad more complicated: I'm not using the parameter as the value in a WHERE clause, I just want to assign it to a variable, like so:


    DECLARE@DateParm INT

    SELECT@DateTime = GETDATE()

    SELECT@DateParm = ?

    SELECTCASE @DateParm

    WHEN 1 THEN REPLACE(CONVERT(CHAR(10), @DateTime, 120), '-', '')

    WHEN 2 THEN REPLACE(REPLACE(REPLACE(CONVERT(CHAR(16),@DateTime,120), '-', ''),' ',''),':','')

    WHEN 3 THEN REPLACE(REPLACE(REPLACE(CONVERT(CHAR(19),@DateTime,120), '-', ''),' ',''),':','')


    This gets me an ADO error "Syntax error or access violation".

    If I change the ? to an 1,2 or 3 it parses fine, so it seems that the parameter placeholder is the problem. I've even tried loading the values into a table variable, and selecting from that so the placeholder is part of a WHERE clause, like so:


    DECLARE@DateParm INT

    DECLARE@tabNumbers TABLE (Number INT)

    SELECT@DateTime = GETDATE()

    INSERT INTO @tabNumbers VALUES (1)

    INSERT INTO @tabNumbers VALUES (2)

    INSERT INTO @tabNumbers VALUES (3)

    SELECT@DateParm = Number


    WHERENumber = ?

    SELECTCASE @DateParm

    WHEN 1 THEN REPLACE(CONVERT(CHAR(10), @DateTime, 120), '-', '')

    WHEN 2 THEN REPLACE(REPLACE(REPLACE(CONVERT(CHAR(16),@DateTime,120), '-', ''),' ',''),':','')

    WHEN 3 THEN REPLACE(REPLACE(REPLACE(CONVERT(CHAR(19),@DateTime,120), '-', ''),' ',''),':','')


    But this fails with the same error.

    Am I missing something obvious here? Any ideas appreciated.


    David Cook

  • Sorry, I should have said: SQL Server 2000 SP3a.

  • For those interested, I have an answer ...

    This article at (great site, BTW) mentions that the syntax validation routine for the design-time parser is less forgiving that the run-time validation routine, and needs to be stooged with a disconnected edit.

    I followed the steps in that article, and it works fine.

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