January 10, 2007 at 5:31 pm
Here's another one that I think is valid (because it works and appears to comply with identifier naming), but maybe someone else can find evidence to the contrary:
@INT int
-- do something
Since the identifier is @INT it does not conflict with any reserved words. It works in SQL Management Studio, but I have another app that doesn't like it. Is the other app faulty? SHould this be supported?
January 10, 2007 at 6:05 pm
INT is reserve word but not @int...when you add @ sign to a word it will be treated as local variable ... I think your application is the problem...
Is the name of a variable of any type except cursor, text, ntext, image, or table. Variable names must start with one at sign (@). Variable names must comply with the rules for identifiers.
Microsoft SQL Server MVP
January 10, 2007 at 6:09 pm
Thanks for your reply,
No, my SP only takes the one parameter (not any of the types you mention above), so I suspect it is the app that is doing things incorrectly. I have a feeling it is removing the @ symbol for presentation purposes, and then getting confused because the parameter name suddenly becomes a data type...
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