parameter for a subscription

  • I am new to SRS, so forgive me if this question has been asked.  I couldn't find what I was looking for when I searched.

    I have a report which uses a snapshot to pull its data from.  The snapshotstart parameter goes back 1 year (getdate() - 1 year).  The report then has parameters that it uses to generate the report.  The default start date for the report is the current date.  All this works just fine.

    What I can't figure out how to do is to create a subscription that will use the current date - 60 days as its default start.

    In effect the report has data for one year in the snapshot.  When the user generates the report real time, they typically run it for just the current day.  We need to set up a subscription that generates the report with the last 60 days worth of data.  I can't figure out how to do this.  Do I need to create a completely separate report based on my original and just change the default start to be 60 days ago?



  • While I don't know anything about reporting services either, I can suggest that you have a single query (stored proc) with DateFrom parameter that you can set on the client. That way you still get only 1 report, and only 1 proc. The best of all is that you can now offer even more data to start from.

  • If you're running enterprise edition you can use Data Driven Subscriptions, which will let you pass value/s to the parms for the report.

    If you're not running Ent Edn, then you're prob best off creating a new report and using a different stored proc (or alternatviely use a expression) to dictate the default value for the parameter/s.



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