Parameter Eqaul to or Not Equal to

  • Hi,

    I am faced with a problem.

    I am trying to create a parameter that gives the choice, for example: I want all cars that have tinted windows, and all cars without tinted windows.

    So I was thinking that it would be nice if I could create a parameter with = and <> . Unfortunately I am running into problems.

    Any help is appreciated

  • Are you writing a store procedure for it?

  • No I didn't.

    So far I wrapped my query in an expression and used a paramater within the expression. Works, but is slow

  • Are there any defining characteristics in the data that you can key in on and use in a case statement so you can assign a Y or N (or something meaningful to you) value to each record, indicating if it is tinted or not?

  • Here is what I did:


    SELECT Manufacturer, Model


    WHERE Manufacturer = @Manf AND Model = '2 door'

    Here is what I wanted a prompt for Model = '2 door' or Model <> '2 door'

    I created a prompted with two option

    Label Value

    2 Door AND Model = '2 door'

    Not 2 Door AND Model <> '2 door'

    So I took the query and placed it in an Expression - from the Dataset.

    ="SELECT Manufacturer, Model FROM CARS WHERE Manufacturer = @Manf " & Parameters!Model.Value & " "

    You now have a prompt to handle EQUAL to and NOT EQUAL to

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