paramatize case statement?

  • Please advise with this case statement:

    CASE [ApprovalID]

    when '35CD3B40-DD5B-4231-9FF4-C4549BBAD6CF' then 'Mickey Mouse'

    when '3784053A-7134-4640-A880-2A4E2E72E4BE' then 'Donald Duck'

    when 'CB339FE1-CF9F-4C41-91A1-08C326FB2BE7' then 'Roger Rabbit'

    END as 'approved by'

    if the guids in the case statement are also userid's held in a users table that holds the name of that user, then how can i modify this case statement so that the 'then' part queries the users table and returns the name of the user so some things like this:

    CASE [ApprovalID]

    when '35CD3B40-DD5B-4231-9FF4-C4549BBAD6CF' then 'select FirstName from user where userID = ApprovalUserID '

    END as 'approved by'

    thank you

  • The DDL along with some sample data will immensely help us in providing a tested solution

    Please check the link in my signature on how to do it

    Kingston Dhasian

    How to post data/code on a forum to get the best help - Jeff Moden

  • Hi thank you, the languagre is t-sql 2005

  • AIRWALKER-375999 (4/26/2012)

    Hi thank you, the languagre is t-sql 2005

    We normally assume it to be SQL Server 2005 as you are posting it in the 2005 forum

    Please provide the DDl, sample data and the expected output

    Take some time to read the article references in my signature

    I am sure you will not regret the time spent when you will receive the answers to your questions

    Kingston Dhasian

    How to post data/code on a forum to get the best help - Jeff Moden

  • i think what you are trying to do is either an inner join or some kind of where clause ?


    select name from users where id='1234567890'

    rather than

    select case when userid='1234567890' then 'mike'

    is this for a stored procedure ?

    if so then

    create proc proc_lookupuser @userid uniqueidentifier


    select name from user where id=@uniqueidentifier

    or do you have some kind of join requirement? does you code looks something like

    select time,

    case when userid='1234567890' then 'mike' ....


    from logontable

    if so then you need a join

    select time,



    from logontable inner join users on

    you really need to post more details of what you are trying to acheive - including the ddl (ie the definition of the tables involved)


  • Without knowing what your tables are and what your full query is, the maximum what I can come up with:

    SELECT t.ApprovalID

    ,u.UserName AS [Approved By]

    FROM TableWithApprovalIds AS t

    JOIN UserTable AS u --if you don't have ApprovalIds in every "source" record you need to use LEFT JOIN

    ON u.UserId = t.ApprovalID

    Please follow the link at the bottom of my signature to find out how to ask such type of questions on this forum.

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    (So many miracle inventions provided by MS to us...)

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  • Thank you all for you're assistance, I think I'll need to redesign the query as what I want do I dont think is possible within a case statement, I think I'll need to write a cursor. Just to confirm, is it possible to have some kind of sub query within a case statement like this pseudo-code:

    so example I would write this query against a table called planes, but _parts is another table in the same database

    Case [aeroplane_name]

    when 'f16' then (select FullName from _parts where name = 'f16')

    when 'b52' then (select FullName from _parts where name= 'b52')

    would I need pass a variable as aeroplane_name ?

    Is something like this even possible witin a case?

  • AIRWALKER-375999 (4/26/2012)

    Thank you all for you're assistance, I think I'll need to redesign the query as what I want do I dont think is possible within a case statement, I think I'll need to write a cursor. Just to confirm, is it possible to have some kind of sub query within a case statement like this pseudo-code:

    so example I would write this query against a table called planes, but _parts is another table in the same database

    Case [aeroplane_name]

    when 'f16' then (select FullName from _parts where name = 'f16')

    when 'b52' then (select FullName from _parts where name= 'b52')

    would I need pass a variable as aeroplane_name ?

    Is something like this even possible witin a case?

    then you need a join - not a cursor






    from planes p

    inner join _part z on z.aeroplane_name = p.aeroplane_name

    is this some kind of homework assignment ?


  • AIRWALKER-375999 (4/26/2012)

    Thank you all for you're assistance, I think I'll need to redesign the query as what I want do I dont think is possible within a case statement, I think I'll need to write a cursor. Just to confirm, is it possible to have some kind of sub query within a case statement like this pseudo-code:

    so example I would write this query against a table called planes, but _parts is another table in the same database

    Case [aeroplane_name]

    when 'f16' then (select FullName from _parts where name = 'f16')

    when 'b52' then (select FullName from _parts where name= 'b52')

    would I need pass a variable as aeroplane_name ?

    Is something like this even possible witin a case?

    From whatever I could understand from your description, I don't think you will need a CURSOR or a CASE expression for that matter

    If you provide the information we are asking you for, I am sure we can come up with tested solution

    Kingston Dhasian

    How to post data/code on a forum to get the best help - Jeff Moden

  • Eugene Elutin (4/26/2012)

    Without knowing what your tables are and what your full query is, the maximum what I can come up with:

    SELECT t.ApprovalID

    ,u.UserName AS [Approved By]

    FROM TableWithApprovalIds AS t

    JOIN UserTable AS u --if you don't have ApprovalIds in every "source" record you need to use LEFT JOIN

    ON u.UserId = t.ApprovalID

    Please follow the link at the bottom of my signature to find out how to ask such type of questions on this forum.

    You can use a subquery in a CASE statement but it almost certainly isn't the best way to obtain the result you are looking for. If you can't post sample table scripts etc as others have urged, can you at least post the query you are working on? Eugene has already posted a best guess - but until we see your code and better still some tables from which to work, that's all it will be - a best guess.

    “Write the query the simplest way. If through testing it becomes clear that the performance is inadequate, consider alternative query forms.” - Gail Shaw

    For fast, accurate and documented assistance in answering your questions, please read this article.
    Understanding and using APPLY, (I) and (II) Paul White
    Hidden RBAR: Triangular Joins / The "Numbers" or "Tally" Table: What it is and how it replaces a loop Jeff Moden

  • U can also Write your query with out cursor like




    from plan p

    cross apply

    (select FullName from part pp where t

  • I have no idea what you are trying to accomplish with this, but you should be abe to use the statement

    CASE [ApprovalID]

    when '35CD3B40-DD5B-4231-9FF4-C4549BBAD6CF' then (select FirstName from user where userID = ApprovalUserID)

    else ' '

    END as 'approved by'

    If the statement is failing what is the error message it returns?


  • Dave Brooking (4/26/2012)

    I have no idea what you are trying to accomplish with this, but you should be abe to use the statement

    CASE [ApprovalID]

    when '35CD3B40-DD5B-4231-9FF4-C4549BBAD6CF' then (select FirstName from user where userID = ApprovalUserID)

    else ' '

    END as 'approved by'

    If the statement is failing what is the error message it returns?


    This is it, thanks very much!!!!

  • Why not just use LEFT JOIN?

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    "O skol'ko nam otkrytiy chudnyh prevnosit microsofta duh!":-D
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