Paid-Time-Off Calculation.

  • Please someone help me.  I created an Access form to let users submit PTO requests.  On the form, they need to enter RequestDateFrom and RequestDateTo fields.  Based on these fields, I will calculate numbers of hours that they are going to take.  I can handle the holiday part, but not for the Saturday and Sunday part.

    For ex.

    DateRequestFrom    10/22/04

    DateRequestTo       10/26/04

    TotalHours             40 (not correct.  System needs to show only 24 hours because 10/24/04 and 10/25/04 are Sat and Sun)

    How can I calculate TotalHours fieldbased on DateRequestFrom and DateRequestTo fields?  Thanks for any ideas.



  • Yuk! If no one has anything already written, I will help you out. Presume you're planning on using VBA?



    The absence of evidence is not evidence of absence.
    Martin Rees

    You can lead a horse to water, but a pencil must be lead.
    Stan Laurel

  • Yes,

    I am using VBA and t-sql.  Do you have any clues how to do that? Thanks



  • This probably could be optimized, but it seems to work...

    Public Function PTO(startDT, endDT) As Integer

        Dim ptoHrs As Integer

        Dim chkDT As Date

        Dim weekendDays As Integer


        Const HRS_PER_DAY As Integer = 8


        ptoHrs = (DateDiff("d", startDT, endDT) + 1) * HRS_PER_DAY


        chkDT = startDT

        weekendDays = 0

        While chkDT <> endDT

            If Weekday(chkDT) = vbSaturday Or Weekday(chkDT) = vbSunday Then

                weekendDays = weekendDays + 1

            End If

            chkDT = DateAdd("d", 1, chkDT)


        ptoHrs = ptoHrs - (weekendDays * HRS_PER_DAY)


        PTO = ptoHrs

    End Function

  • Thank you so much.  It works for me.


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