Page file usage is high

  • Hi All

    The page file usage is around 70% in some servers

    one of the servers specs:

    Total Memory : 16 GB

    In SQL server , Minimum server memory is 1024 MB and Max server memory 12 GB

    From performance Monitor :

    Total server memory = 12 GB

    Free Memory 4 GB

    SQL version :

    SQL 2016 - SP2 CU2

    Please kindly advise what i need to do to lower down page file usage ?

    Thanks . Much appreciated

  • I suspect your server is running out of memory and you may have to increase the RAM.

    You have to find out the Page File Size and find out 70% of it. For e.g. If Page Size is 24 GB (Generally 1.5 times) of Physical Memory and 70% in this case would be around 16.8 GB. You should trace out the trend of Page File usage and accordingly add additional memory to your Server and adjust the Max Memory Setting of SQL Server accordingly. This shall bring down the Page File Usage.

    You can refer the following blog by "BuckWoody" that should surely help you.

  • Thanks for the response

    It is said "The \Paging File(*)% Usage performance counter measures the percentage of usage of each page file. 100 percent usage of a page file does not indicate a performance problem as long as the system commit limit is not reached by the system commit charge, and if a significant amount of memory is not waiting to be written to a page file."

    "The size of the Modified Page List (\Memory\Modified Page List Bytes) is the total of modified data that is waiting to be written to disk."

    If Memory\Modified Page List Bytes is high then we need to add more memory

    However it doesnt say how high ? I want to know the counter number which considered to be risky

    Please kindly response

    Many thanks




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