Page Break Between groups in 2000

  • Hi,

    I am trying display 25 lines per page in SSRS 2000 ( As client is using old version).I have created group as =Celing(RowNumber(Nothning)/25) and checked Page break at start or Page break at end.

    still I am not getting Page break as per our requirment.



  • Assuming the expression is typed correctly - is CEILING definitely available in 2000? (Sorry if a silly question, I don't have access to it anymore!) If it is, try prefixing it with 'Math.' and only ticking 'Between Each instance of a group'. Or in your dataset you could assign a 'groupid' per 25 records and use that for your grouping (probably not an ideal solution)

    Do you get any errors or does it just have no effect?

  • Hi XYoung,

    Thanks for the reply.

    I am not getting any errors,Even i have tried with int and some other math function but no luck ,the main problem is we don't have the option called Between Each instance of a group in SSRS 2000,We have the options called "Page Break After" and "Page Break Before" in the Group properties,by checking those we are not achiveing Page Break.



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