Package Log

  • I have more than 100 DTS packages, is there a easy way to find if logging is enabled in all the DTS packages??


  • The sysdtspackagelog table in msdb contains package log data.

    Run this in Query Analyzer to show the names of packages that have been executed with logging enabled:

    use msdb

    select name from sysdtspackagelog

    If a package name is listed more than once, it's because it has multiple versions with logging enabled.






  • If the package does not have any versions it may not be in sysdtspackagelog right? I get no records when i run the query.

    Thanks for your input.

  • Firstly, every package has at least one version. However, there may be package log records for versions that don't exist. If you don't get any records when executing that query then none of the packages have package logging enabled.

    Try this VBScript that produces a list of the package logging properties for each package on a given server. Set the items enclosed with <> to what you need before running the script.

    Option Explicit
    Dim oPkg ' DTS Package object 
    Dim oSrvr ' SQL-DMO server object 
    Dim oDb ' SQL-DMO database object 
    Dim oQry ' SQL-DMO Query results object 
    Dim sSQL ' SQL string to execute 
    Dim sSrvrName ' Server name that holds package 
    Dim sSrvrUID ' login used to access server that holds package 
    Dim sSrvrPWD ' password used to access server that holds package 
    Dim iSrvrSec ' security mode used to access server that holds package 
    Dim sPkgName ' DTS Package name 
    Dim sPkgID ' DTS Package id 
    Dim sPkgVer ' DTS Package versionid 
    Dim sMsg ' Message String 
    Dim oFS ' Filesystem object 
    Dim oTS ' TextStream object 
    Dim iRow ' row number in Query results object 
    Set oFS = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject") 
    Set oTS = oFS.CreateTextFile("< your output file >", True) 
    oTS.WriteLine "Started : " & Now() 
    ' select distinct list of packages which 
    ' only loads the latest version 
    sSQL = "SELECT DISTINCT name " 
    sSQL = sSQL & "FROM msdb.dbo.sysdtspackages " 
    sSQL = sSQL & "ORDER BY name" 
    Set oSrvr = CreateObject("SQLDMO.SQLServer") 
    sSrvrName = "< your server name >" 
    iSrvrSec = 256 ' 0 = SQL Security, 256 = Windows Authentication 
    If iSrvrSec = 0 Then 
    ' SQL Security 
    sSrvrUID = "< your login >" 
    sSrvrPWD = "< your password >" 
    oSrvr.LoginSecure = False 
    ' Windows Authentication 
    sSrvrUID = "" 
    sSrvrPWD = "" 
    oSrvr.LoginSecure = True 
    End If 
    ' following two lines are not required if LoginSecure is true 
    oSrvr.Login = sSrvrUID 
    oSrvr.Password = sSrvrPWD 
    ' connect to the server 
    oSrvr.Connect sSrvrName 
    Set oDb = oSrvr.Databases("msdb") 
    Set oQry = oDb.ExecuteWithResults(sSQL) 
    For iRow = 1 to oQry.Rows 
    sPkgName = oQry.GetColumnString(iRow, 1) 
    ' load the package 
    Set oPkg = CreateObject("DTS.Package") 
    oPkg.LoadFromSQLServer sSrvrName, sSrvrUID, sSrvrPWD, iSrvrSec, "", "", "", sPkgName 
    ' get package logging properties 
    sMsg = "Package:" & sPkgName 
    sMsg = sMsg & " LogToSQLServer:" & oPkg.LogToSQLServer 
    sMsg = sMsg & " LogServerName:" & oPkg.LogServerName 
    sMsg = sMsg & " LogServerFlags:" & oPkg.LogServerFlags 
    oTS.WriteLine sMsg 
    Set oPkg = Nothing 
    oTS.WriteLine "Finished : " & Now() 
    ' close and release all objects created 
    Set oQry = Nothing 
    Set oDb = Nothing 
    Set oSrvr = Nothing 
    Set oTS = Nothing 
    Set oFS = Nothing 


    Colt 45 - the original point and click interface

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