Package Configuration File.

  • Guys can someone tell me how to use this file.

    My package was running fine in dev. In prod i have to store passwords in the config file.

    I created a package config file.

    In the config file i just selected the connection manager checkbox.

    All the fields are dimmed and i cannot type in anything.

    It does not seem to store any passwords because i'm getting errors login errors in the package.

    Where in config file should i type in the passwords and how should i use that encrypt sensitive data with key?


    Thanks for all your help.


    Alex S
  • This was removed by the editor as SPAM

  • if you want to execute the package via the agent you have first change the protection level to DontSaveSensitive or EncryptWithPassword (This is in the package properties). The default is EncrypWithUserKey which is only good for executing from the designer.  After you save the package like this it will no longer contain any database passwords.  Then, when  you create the config file, you have to edit the config wilh notepad and enter the passwords in the appropriate place in the XML.  You can also open the config with xcel which will provide a much better look at at the contents, but can't be used to save the file. 

  • Finally an answer i was waiting for.


    Alex S

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