Outsourced = Laid Off?

  • Well, I just had this long reply I did.  But, for some reason it did not post the first time . So, this will likely be a more condensed version.

    I agree with the person who stated that it seems corporations are looking for the short term quarterly profit boosts.  It would seem to me that the more American jobs outsourced or the more pay reductions employees are forced to endure the more the economy will suffer.

    I could be offbase but it seems to me that the majority of purchases of American products are made by Americans.  Based on studies that have been reported on many news sites the American public's savings rate % has seen a drastic decrease and the debt % of Americans has been on the rise.

    As companies outsource and attempt to reduce pay and/or lower employee raises it seems that this will directly impact the purchasing ability of these same employees.  We may not see the effects of this now but there could be long term effects on our overall economy.  I would think that this eventually will catch up to us.  Hasn't our trade deficit gotten even bigger year after year?  Pretty soon we will be importing all of our goods and services and exporting nothing.

    Anyway that is just my $.02 worth.  I could be totally offbase because I am Economics major nor have I even taken Economics 101 class.  I welcome enlightenment from someone more intelligent than me  on this issues. 

    --rant off --

  • Does anyone else see the irony in Steve posting this editorial within just a few days of the "Wages on the Rise" article?

    That just struck me this morning.

  • Pam - Good point !

    I am sure the wages rise in India or any outsourced country !


    Irony, or Timing....  Who really benefits from articles like that?

    Im sure corporations are just biting their tongues becuase of the immigration hot issue.

    They probably have a script ready to send to the President title: "There are no Americans to fill the jobs." soon declaring we need more H1b visas!!!

    To bad we cant do that for politicians and lawyers  and their cohorts...



  • What really gets my goat is the fact that business and congress either don't see or are ignoring the fact that it is the middle class in this country that makes up the majority consumer. Outsourcing/Globalization is fine if it is done to expand business but the way it is being done here will eventually have the effect of reducing a large segment of the middle class. I don't even want to think about the effect that will have on the economy or the government programs that rely on the tax dollars from that group.


    "There are two ways of constructing a software design. One way is to make it so simple that there are obviously no deficiencies. And the other way is to make it so complicated that there are no obvious deficiencies."
    Tony Hoare

    "If you think it's expensive to hire a professional to do the job, wait until you hire an amateur." Red Adair.

  • I got a theory on that i actually have adopted from an article I read a while back.

    I think these companies  who do know that they are affecting the Middle class rationalize their choices by saying "they didnt have a choice."

    The truth is, everyone has a choice.  Just hope the President never says this before droping the Bomb.


  • I just finished a year and a half stint with a large mortgage company and I have to tell you that the communication level there was the worst I have ever seen in any development shop. The salary and benefits were excellent and I don’t think anyone was really unhappy in that regard. However, several of the developers pointed out a variety of problem areas (both technical and organizational) and were basically ignored by management. Now that just about all of their development talent has left the company, management continues to misjudge what it was that made us all leave. From what I hear, company management is now trying to learn how to write SQL Server code because they can't find technically competent developers who want to put their heads beneath the mortgage industry axe.

    Management is now considering outsourcing work to India, rather than face the lack of skills in their own line-management staff. Seems to me that managers could benefit tremendously from a little self examination before turning to a country like India whose goals are not very similar to their own.

  • My $.02:

    That powerful engine known as self interest is the major driver.  Outsourcing IT (or any other function) gives a short-term bump to the financials because the salary and burden moves off the Income Statement and is replaced with a lower expense line item for IT Services.  If I am a senior manager I am going to be more concerned about the feedback from the financial analysts so I will act in my own self interest and do what I can to put the best short-term face on the financials.  That keeps the stock price up, gets me my bonus, and I stay on as CEO.





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