Output results of query to multiple text files to be later run into another DB

  • We have two DBs A and B. 
    A is prior to upgrade and B is after upgrade. 
    B's xml data got messed up upon upgrade. 
    I was going to use BCP to make smaller files that can be iterated through in an order.  I do not want to overload Server B with the command.  When I did this in SSMS it was 200mb in statements.  I want to limit each .sql file to 1000 transactions.

      'UPDATE [sample].

    SET [XMLPattern]='+Char(39)+CAST([XMLPattern] AS NVARCHAR(MAX))+Char(39)+'WHERE [Table_Id]='+CAST([Table_Id] AS NVARCHAR(50)) as UpdateStatement
    FROM [BusinessMgmt].[Structures]
    WHERE Table_Id Between 1 AND 1000

    I was looking at this link and thought there might be a better way. I need to export chunks of data into multiple text files.  I would have a control loop grabbing a start and end parameter, and then export.  Any ideas would be appreciated.

  • I solved it with what I have below.  Since I am going to get the DB locally I can take a few liberties with outputing files and such - 

    You need to enable these on your instance also make sure you have permission -

    sp_configure 'show advanced options', 1

    sp_configure 'Ole Automation Procedures', 1
    sp_configure 'show advanced options', 1

    This is a generic sproc I got from the internet a long time ago.  Not sure where credit is due - 

    -- Writes to a file
    CREATE PROCEDURE [dbo].[FileWriteText]
         @File_Name varchar(1000)
        ,@Text nvarchar(max)
        ,@Append bit = 0


    -- Procedure Name: [dbo].[FileWriteText]
             @fso int
            ,@ts int
            ,@rv int

        EXEC @rv = sp_oacreate
            ,@fso OUTPUT

        IF @rv <> 0 goto ErrorCode

        IF @appEND = 1
            -- Open the text stream for appEND, will fail IF the file doesn't exist
            EXEC @rv = sp_oamethod @fso,"opentextfile", @ts OUTPUT, @file_name, 8
            IF @rv <> 0 goto ErrorCode
            -- Create a new text file, overwriing IF necessary
            EXEC @rv = sp_oamethod @fso,"createtextfile", @ts OUTPUT, @file_name, -1
            IF @rv <> 0 goto ErrorCode

        EXEC @rv = sp_oamethod @ts,"write",null ,@text
        IF @rv <> 0 goto ErrorCode

        EXEC @rv = sp_oamethod @ts,"close"
        IF @rv <> 0 goto ErrorCode

        EXEC sp_oadestroy @ts
        EXEC sp_oadestroy @fso

        RETURN 0

             @es varchar(512)
            ,@ed varchar(512)

        EXEC sp_oageterrorinfo null, @es OUTPUT, @ed OUTPUT
        EXEC sp_oadestroy @ts
        EXEC sp_oadestroy @fso
        RETURN 1

    Then my code to generate multiple files with the data paging through

      @Path Varchar(256) = 'C:\',
      @SQL as Nvarchar(Max),
      @OutputFileName varchar(1500)='test',
      @OutputFile varchar(1500)='',
      @Q char(1)= '''',
      @Low bigint, @High BigInt,
      @MaterialCount int=0,
      @FileCount tinyint=0,
      @MaterialOutputCountPerFile tinyint =5
     SET @OutputFile = @path+@OutputFileName+'.sql'

     EXEC FileWriteText
       @File_Name = @OutputFile
      ,@Text = 'SET NOCOUNT ON'
      ,@Append = 0

     WHILE EXISTS (SELECT Top 1 1 FROM dbo.table WHERE Field1= 0)
      -- This counter was put in place to handle big strings
      SET @MaterialCount = @MaterialCount + 1
      IF @MaterialCount = @MaterialOutputCountPerFile
       SET @MaterialCount = 0
       SET @FileCount = @FileCount + 1
       SET @OutputFile = @path + @OutputFileName+'_'+CONVERT(Varchar(10),@FileCount)+'.sql'
       SET @sql = 'SET NOCOUNT ON' + CHAR(13)
       EXEC FileWriteText
         @File_Name = @OutputFile
        ,@Text = @sql
        ,@Append = 0
      SET @sql=''
      FROM (
      SELECT TOP 100
      FROM dbo.table
      WHERE Field1 =0
      ORDER BY Field2) PageLookup

        @SQL=@SQL + CHAR(13) +' UPDATE [dbo].

    SET [Field3]='+Char(39)+REPLACE(CAST([Field3] AS NVARCHAR(MAX)),'''','''''')+Char(39)+'WHERE [Field2]='+CAST([Field2] AS NVARCHAR(50))
      FROM dbo.table
      WHERE Field2 BETWEEN @Low AND @High

     EXEC FileWriteText
       @File_Name = @OutputFile
      ,@Text = @sql
      ,@Append = 1

      UPDATE dbo.table
      SET Field1 = 1
      WHERE Field2 BETWEEN @Low AND @High    

    Works really well outputting 4mb files that I can then wrap in an EXE to deploy to a customer.

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