Output Param Issue

  • I am calling a stored proc via ASP/ADO code and occassionaly get the following error:

    Formal parameter '@param' was defined as OUTPUT but the actual parameter not declared OUTPUT.

    The curious thing is neither the stored proc or ASP/ADO code have defined the paramater as an OUTPUT.

    Has anyone else encountered this or have suggestions?

    In the below example @pageType is the parameter I get the error with.

    Stored Proc Code


    ALTER Procedure pred_getProductRedirect

    @productGUID uniqueidentifier,

    @productRedirectType int,

    @pageType int,

    @targetURL varchar(200) OUTPUT



    DECLARE @targetGUID uniqueidentifier

    DECLARE @return int

    -- Retrieve the target product GUID.

    SELECT@targetGUID = pred_TargetGUID


    WHEREprd_GUID = @productGUID AND pred_ProductRedirectType = @productRedirectType

    -- Retrieve the URL for the target GUID and page type.

    EXEC @return = pred_GetPageRedirect @targetGUID, @pageType, @targetURL OUTPUT

    IF (@return <> 0) RETURN -1

    -- Update statistics.


    SETpred_Count = pred_Count + 1

    WHEREprd_GUID = @productGUID AND pred_ProductRedirectType = @productRedirectType

    RETURN 0


    ASP/ADO Code


    Set oCmd = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Command")

    With oCmd

    .ActiveConnection = oCnn

    .CommandType = adCmdStoredProc

    .CommandText = "pred_getProductRedirect"

    .Parameters.Append = .CreateParameter("@return", adInteger, adParamReturnValue)

    .Parameters.Append = .CreateParameter("@prodGUID", adGUID, adParamInput, , sProdGUID)

    .Parameters.Append = .CreateParameter("@productRedirectType", adInteger, adParamInput, , nProductRedirectType)

    .Parameters.Append = .CreateParameter("@pageType", adInteger, adParamInput, , nPageType)

    .Parameters.Append = .CreateParameter("@targetURL", adVarChar, adParamOutput, 200)

    Call .Execute(,,adExecuteNoRecords)

  • Looks ok - maybe the params collection is not getting set to nothing, ending up with extra params? Just a guess.


  • quote:

    .Parameters.Append = .CreateParameter("@targetURL", adVarChar, adParamOutput, 200)

    adParamOutput is your OUTPUT variable defined. I see nothing wrong here. But also I don't see this variable


    @targetURL varchar(200) OUTPUT

    being set anywhere inside your SP code. May be chocking on a NULL value. Try setting it to 'a' in you SP code to see what happens then.

    "Don't roll your eyes at me. I will tape them in place." (Teacher on Boston Public)

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