Output of Query

  • Nice question - thanks

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  • sqlzealot-81 (10/10/2011)

    I guess, you can achieve by the below way,


    CASE IsNull(COL1,'') WHEN '' THEN 'Is Null'

    WHEN '0' THEN 'Is Zero'

    WHEN '1' THEN 'Is One'

    WHEN '2' THEN 'Is Two'






    SELECT '0' AS Col1


    SELECT '1' AS Col1


    SELECT '2' AS Col1

    ) TMP

    This works except you can't differentiate between null and empty strings because your isnull will now treat them both the same. In some cases this is ok but in others it isn't.


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  • I got an error when I executed the code - oh well :hehe:

  • Sean Lange (10/10/2011)[hrThis works except you can't differentiate between null and empty strings because your isnull will now treat them both the same. In some cases this is ok but in others it isn't.

    If it matters then you can do something like

    CASE IsNull(COL1,'avaluethatwillnotappearinthedata') WHEN 'avaluethatwillnotappearinthedata' THEN 'Is Null'

  • Or:


    CASE when Col1 is null then 'Is Null'

    else case col1

    WHEN '0' THEN 'Is Zero'

    WHEN '1' THEN 'Is One'

    WHEN '2' THEN 'Is Two'







    SELECT '0' AS Col1


    SELECT '1' AS Col1


    SELECT '2' AS Col1

    ) TMP

  • Thanks for the question.

    Jason...AKA CirqueDeSQLeil
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  • Good question, luckily read the question twice before answering.

  • Bugger! I hate it when I know the right answer but click on the wrong choice! :angry:

  • Simple but neat -- thank you!

  • Nice question about something that comes up regularly for me. Especially in writing queries for reporting.

  • Great question - unfortunately I got it wrong.

    I thought it was too simple so I over compensated and assumed that the code would have "set ansi_nulls off" for the session since it is effectively saying "where col1 = null" rather than "where col1 is null".

  • good question - tks

  • I'd like to suggest a modification of the answer. What is happening is that the "CASE COLUMN WHEN" syntax does an equity comparision and then uses the result of that comparision, which of course fails with NULL, while the "CASE WHEN x" syntax uses the result of x. Which is why the given query returns null.

    So, something like:

    The CASE's statement has two alternative syntaxs, "CASE ColumnName WHEN Value" does an equity comparision between the column and the given value. This fails with NULLS unless ANSI_NULLS is off. The other syntax is "CASE WHEN EXPRESSION", which evalutes an expression (which may use any available columns) and uses the result of that expression to determine whether the condition has been met and the associated THEN used.

  • Thanks for the question. It was a good caffination check this morning. 🙂

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  • Excellent question. Thanks!

    Rob Schripsema
    Propack, Inc.

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