OUTER JOIN Not Producing Non Existent Record with IS NULL

  • ? any memberships not ending in 6/30/yyyy are not relevant for this, hence the limit to 6/30/yyyy.

    the membership count for 5305 does not include EndDate other than 6/30/2015.

    Seems to be an anomaly at this point.

    i hope someone can figure this out

  • serviceaellis (8/19/2015)

    Hence needing to limit to 6/30/yyyy

    but that's not the problem however.

    since the count on 2015 for 5305 is correct as well as it showing up like 8004 when changed to 2016

    Take a look at this query and it's results:

    DECLARE @YEAR AS char(4) = CAST(YEAR(GETDATE()) AS char(4));

    DECLARE @START_DATE AS date = CAST(@YEAR + '-06-30' AS date);





    SELECT COP.ClubNo, COP.SortName, COP.ClubName, COP.BSProgram, COP.ClubSection, COP.Code,

    RTRIM(PM.InvoiceNumber) AS InvNo, COP.President, COP.Email, COP.Phone, COP.FacilityName,

    COP.StreetOne, COP.StreetTwo, COP.City, COP.[State], COP.PostalCode,

    YEAR(PM.EndDate) AS YearEnd, PM.MembershipTypeId, COP.URL, COP.Certified,

    COP.FacilityLastUpdate, COP.ByLawsUploadDate, COP.ProgramStatusId, COP.[Status], COUNT(PM.EndDate) AS TheCount

    FROM dbo.v060ClubOfficersPresOrNot AS COP

    LEFT OUTER JOIN dbo.PersonMembership AS PM

    ON COP.ClubID = PM.OrganizationId

    AND COP.PersonId = PM.PersonId


    CASE PM.MembershipTypeId WHEN 3 THEN @END_DATE2 END,

    CASE PM.MembershipTypeId WHEN 3 THEN @END_DATE3 END,

    CASE PM.MembershipTypeId WHEN 3 THEN @END_DATE4 END)

    GROUP BY COP.ClubNo, COP.SortName, COP.ClubName, COP.BSProgram, COP.ClubSection, COP.Code,

    RTRIM(PM.InvoiceNumber), COP.President, COP.Email, COP.Phone, COP.FacilityName,

    COP.StreetOne, COP.StreetTwo, COP.City, COP.[State], COP.PostalCode, YEAR(PM.EndDate),

    PM.MembershipTypeId, COP.URL, COP.Certified, COP.FacilityLastUpdate,

    COP.ByLawsUploadDate, COP.ProgramStatusId, COP.[Status]

    ORDER BY COP.ClubNo, YEAR(PM.EndDate);



    22ADIRONDACKSSC of the Adirondacks, Inc.YesEasternNA0020446Jeanette Woodruffchristma@plattsburgh.eduNULLStafford ArenaRuger StNULLPlattsburgNY1290120152NULLYes2014-07-06 17:16:00.000NULL3Active5

    22ADIRONDACKSSC of the Adirondacks, Inc.YesEasternNA0045470Jeanette Woodruffchristma@plattsburgh.eduNULLStafford ArenaRuger StNULLPlattsburgNY1290120162NULLYes2014-07-06 17:16:00.000NULL3Active5


    5305ShorelineShoreline Skating ClubNoEasternNE0014744Mandy CurtinNULL(508)229-2700New England Sports Center121 Donald Lynch Blvd.NULLMarlboroughMA0175220151http://www.scboston.orgYes2014-07-02 13:44:00.000NULLNULLActive1


    Let me know if the counts are accurate or not.

    Steve (aka sgmunson) 🙂 🙂 🙂
    Rent Servers for Income (picks and shovels strategy)

  • for ClubNo 5305 or ClubID ending in 4619 has 16 memberships for 2015 and 0 for 2016

    for ClubNo 8004, it has 0 for 2015 and 0 for 2016

    how do you paste the results?

    mine does not look like yours or others

    Try this

    declare @season int=Year(GetDate());

    declare @seasonstart date=dateadd(month,6,dateadd(year,@season-1901,0));

    declare @seasonend date=dateadd(year,1,@seasonstart);

    select c.ClubNo





















    ,year(p.EndDate) as YearEnd



    ,rtrim(p.InvoiceNumber) as InvNo


    from dbo.v060ClubOfficersPresOrNot as c

    left outer join dbo.PersonMembership as p

    on p.OrganizationId=c.ClubID

    and p.StartDate<@seasonend

    and p.EndDate>=@seasonstart

    and p.MembershipTypeId in (1,2,3,4)

    where c.ClubNo = 5305

    Order by c.clubno, p.personid

    Then change the Year(GetDate()) to Year(GetDate())+1 (which I need >=Year(GetDate())

    I want to see both the 2015 and 2016 in one formula but when I change the Year to >= I do not get both. Only works when it's one or the other, not for >= to current year.

    that is the issue at this point.

  • I am confused.....

    your original post mentions

    The report is ran using Crystal Reports with a EndYear parameter where the end-user enters the membership ending year.

    They are entering to see all of the clubs with current memberships and would like to see the clubs without current memberships..

    ... Knowing that Club 5305 had 15 memberships in 2015 so when the end-user enters 2015 in the prompt they would see Club 5305 with 15 memberships but when they enter 2016 they would still see Club 5305 but it would either say 0 or null memberships but still listing Club 5305. It is not showing Club 5305 at all right now.

    if your user is going to enter a EndYear paramater....why all the talk about Year(Getdate())?

    later you mention

    Once I have the full details I then do my final step to group in order to get the proper count of invoices for the Club.

    perhaps it would help us all if you could provide the end result that you are aimimg for in Crystal...based on the data given in this thread......

    you can lead a user to data....but you cannot make them think
    and remember....every day is a school day

  • maybe an idea for you try out.....


    SET @yr = YEAR(GETDATE())

    --SET @yr = 2016


    WITH cteclub AS (



    , ClubNo

    , ClubName

    , President

    -- add more details as required

    FROM v060ClubOfficersPresOrNot


    , cteXtab as (



    , CASE

    WHEN MembershipTypeId IN (1 , 2 , 4) THEN 'grp124'

    WHEN MembershipTypeId = 3 THEN 'grp3'

    ELSE 'unknown'

    END AS memgrp -- added for clarity

    , SUM(CASE WHEN YEAR(EndDate) = @yr THEN 1 ELSE 0 END) AS currentYr

    , SUM(CASE WHEN YEAR(EndDate) = @yr+1 THEN 1 ELSE 0 END) AS yr1

    , SUM(CASE

    WHEN MembershipTypeId IN (1 , 2 , 4) THEN NULL

    WHEN MembershipTypeId = 3

    AND YEAR(EndDate) = @yr+2 THEN 1 ELSE 0 END) AS yr2

    , SUM(CASE

    WHEN MembershipTypeId IN (1 , 2 , 4) THEN NULL

    WHEN MembershipTypeId = 3

    AND YEAR(EndDate) = @yr+3 THEN 1 ELSE 0 END) AS yr3

    , SUM(CASE

    WHEN MembershipTypeId IN (1 , 2 , 4) THEN NULL

    WHEN MembershipTypeId = 3

    AND YEAR(EndDate) = @yr+4 THEN 1 ELSE 0 END) AS yr4

    FROM PersonMembership

    WHERE (MONTH(EndDate) = 6) AND (DAY(EndDate) = 30) --- to only return 30th June dates each year



    , CASE

    WHEN MembershipTypeId IN (1 , 2 , 4) THEN 'grp124'

    WHEN MembershipTypeId = 3 THEN 'grp3'

    ELSE 'unknown'




    , cc.ClubName

    , cc.President

    , cx.memgrp

    , cx.currentYr

    , cx.yr1

    , cx.yr2

    , cx.yr3

    , cx.yr4

    FROM cteclub AS cc LEFT OUTER JOIN

    cteXtab AS cx ON cc.ClubID = cx.OrganizationId



    delivers this :


    ¦ ClubNo ¦ ClubName ¦ President ¦ memgrp ¦ currentYr ¦ yr1 ¦ yr2 ¦ yr3 ¦ yr4 ¦


    ¦ 22 ¦ SC of the Adirondacks, Inc. ¦ Jeanette Woodruff ¦ grp124 ¦ 40 ¦ 38 ¦ NULL ¦ NULL ¦ NULL ¦

    ¦ 22 ¦ SC of the Adirondacks, Inc. ¦ Jeanette Woodruff ¦ grp3 ¦ 0 ¦ 1 ¦ 1 ¦ 2 ¦ 0 ¦

    ¦ 1617 ¦ Cedar Valley FSC ¦ NULL ¦ grp124 ¦ 26 ¦ 7 ¦ NULL ¦ NULL ¦ NULL ¦

    ¦ 5305 ¦ Shoreline Skating Club ¦ Mandy Curtin ¦ grp124 ¦ 15 ¦ 0 ¦ NULL ¦ NULL ¦ NULL ¦

    ¦ 8004 ¦ Florida Interclub Skating Council ¦ NULL ¦ NULL ¦ NULL ¦ NULL ¦ NULL ¦ NULL ¦ NULL ¦


    you can lead a user to data....but you cannot make them think
    and remember....every day is a school day

  • J Livingston SQL (8/19/2015)

    I am confused.....

    your original post mentions

    The report is ran using Crystal Reports with a EndYear parameter where the end-user enters the membership ending year.

    They are entering to see all of the clubs with current memberships and would like to see the clubs without current memberships..

    ... Knowing that Club 5305 had 15 memberships in 2015 so when the end-user enters 2015 in the prompt they would see Club 5305 with 15 memberships but when they enter 2016 they would still see Club 5305 but it would either say 0 or null memberships but still listing Club 5305. It is not showing Club 5305 at all right now.

    if your user is going to enter a EndYear paramater....why all the talk about Year(Getdate())?

    later you mention

    Once I have the full details I then do my final step to group in order to get the proper count of invoices for the Club.

    perhaps it would help us all if you could provide the end result that you are aimimg for in Crystal...based on the data given in this thread......

    Since it's the end-user that will enter the year, the query must include all the years they will be looking at. It be this year, next year, etc ... and not formatted as you suggested. the formatted report based on the year the end-user enters is on the Crystal Report. The formula on SQL, the query must show as a datasheet.

    Plus the membertypeid = 3 is for 4 years so the counts must be for current year + 4 worth of data anyway.

    right now these formulas only work with one year in the query itself. why it's still a problem I'm trying to work out.

    as for using Year(getdate()), it needs to remain dynamic. we don't want someone to go into to change it year after year.

  • SELECT c.ClubID, c.ClubNo, c.SortName, c.ClubName, c.BSProgram, c.ClubSection, c.Code, c.President,

    c.Email, c.Phone, c.FacilityName, c.StreetOne, c.StreetTwo, c.City, c.State, c.PostalCode,

    c.URL, c.Certified, c.FacilityLastUpdate, c.ByLawsUploadDate,

    c.ProgramStatusId, c.Status,

    YEAR(p.EndDate) AS YearEnd, RTRIM(p.InvoiceNumber) AS InvNo, p.PersonId, p.MembershipTypeId

    FROM dbo.v060ClubOfficersPresOrNot AS c LEFT OUTER JOIN

    dbo.PersonMembership AS p ON p.OrganizationId = c.ClubID AND p.EndDate >= GETDATE() AND GETDATE() >= DATEADD(month, - 6 - CASE WHEN p.MembershipTypeId = 3 THEN 4 ELSE 0 END,

    DATEADD(year, DATEDIFF(year, 0, DATEADD(month, DATEDIFF(month, 0, p.EndDate) + 6, 0)), 0))

    AND p.MembershipTypeId IN (1, 2, 3, 4)

    GROUP BY c.ClubID, c.ClubNo, c.SortName, c.ClubName, c.BSProgram, c.ClubSection, c.Code, c.President, c.Email, c.Phone, c.FacilityName, c.StreetOne, c.StreetTwo,

    c.City, c.State, c.PostalCode, c.URL, c.Certified, c.FacilityLastUpdate, c.ByLawsUploadDate, c.ProgramStatusId,

    c.Status, YEAR(p.EndDate), p.PersonId, RTRIM(p.InvoiceNumber), p.MembershipTypeId

    HAVING (c.ClubNo IN (5305, 8004, 22))

    So can this part

    p.EndDate >= GETDATE() AND GETDATE() >= DATEADD(month, - 6 - CASE WHEN p.MembershipTypeId = 3 THEN 4 ELSE 0 END,

    DATEADD(year, DATEDIFF(year, 0, DATEADD(month, DATEDIFF(month, 0, p.EndDate) + 6, 0)), 0))

    Change it to handle >=DateSerial(Year(GetDate()), 6, 30)?

  • To summarize issue,

    when the formula is changed to handle >=EndYear it does not produce the correct information for ClubNo 5305.

    the correct information is only produced when doing an =EndYear.

    The details need to include all years correctly from current and future years.

    I don't know why it does not, meaning why it's only correct when it's set to look at the individual year but not when it's a range of years.

    ClubNo 5305 has memberships in 2015 but not in 2016.

    It needs to show both. It only shows one or the other based on the set EndYear. When it's set to >= it does not show the row where it doesn't have the membership like it does for ClubNo 8004.

    ClubNo 8004 has no memberships in the current year or future and does show when it's set to 2015 or 2016 or range.

    ClubNo 22 has memberships from 2015 - 2019 and shows in both and all cases.

    What's the matter with 5305 data not producing the no membership in the future year?

    Difference I see is that they have a membership in 2015 but not in 2016 whereas 8004 doesn't have a membership in any years.

    But that's the issue, it shouldn't matter, 5305 should show 2015 memberships and that they don't have in the future year(s).

  • serviceaellis (8/20/2015)

    To summarize issue,

    when the formula is changed to handle >=EndYear it does not produce the correct information for ClubNo 5305.

    the correct information is only produced when doing an =EndYear.

    The details need to include all years correctly from current and future years.

    I don't know why it does not, meaning why it's only correct when it's set to look at the individual year but not when it's a range of years.

    ClubNo 5305 has memberships in 2015 but not in 2016.

    It needs to show both. It only shows one or the other based on the set EndYear. When it's set to >= it does not show the row where it doesn't have the membership like it does for ClubNo 8004.

    ClubNo 8004 has no memberships in the current year or future and does show when it's set to 2015 or 2016 or range.

    ClubNo 22 has memberships from 2015 - 2019 and shows in both and all cases.

    What's the matter with 5305 data not producing the no membership in the future year?

    Difference I see is that they have a membership in 2015 but not in 2016 whereas 8004 doesn't have a membership in any years.

    But that's the issue, it shouldn't matter, 5305 should show 2015 memberships and that they don't have in the future year(s).

    did you try my code?


    did it give you a summary as you expect?

    you can lead a user to data....but you cannot make them think
    and remember....every day is a school day

  • J Livingston SQL (8/20/2015)

    did you try my code?


    did it give you a summary as you expect?

    Hi J Livingston SQL,

    I thought I replied to that formula.

    Though it looks to display the results it can't display in your format.

    It needs to be a datasheet format.

    the final formatting is done on the Crystal Report side.

    SQL Query must be just the details of all the date in the given dynamic date range.

    Why can't it work in that way?

  • serviceaellis (8/20/2015)

    J Livingston SQL (8/20/2015)

    did you try my code?


    did it give you a summary as you expect?

    Hi J Livingston SQL,

    I thought I replied to that formula.

    Though it looks to display the results it can't display in your format.

    It needs to be a datasheet format.

    the final formatting is done on the Crystal Report side.

    SQL Query must be just the details of all the date in the given dynamic date range.

    Why can't it work in that way?

    can you please post image of final Crystal report.....thanks

    you can lead a user to data....but you cannot make them think
    and remember....every day is a school day

  • J Livingston SQL (8/20/2015)

    can you please post image of final Crystal report.....thanks

    Unable to at the moment but it's basically like this:

    WHEN the end-user enters EndYear 2015:

    ClubNo ClubName OtherClubInfoForTheClub NoOfMbrshps Add'lClubInfo

    5305 Name Other club info 15 FacilityName, etc ...

    8004 Name Other club info 0 FacilityName, etc ...

    WHEN the end-user enters EndYear 2016

    ClubNo ClubName OtherClubInfoForTheClub NoOfMbrshps Add'lClubInfo

    5305 Name Other club info 0 FacilityName, etc ...

    8004 Name Other club info 0 FacilityName, etc ...

    IF they don't or rather remove the EndYear Prompt it needs to show

    5305 Name Other club info 15 FacilityName, etc ...

    5305 Name Other club info 0 FacilityName, etc ...

    8004 Name Other club info 0 FacilityName, etc ...

    The details the report is accessing should have ALL of this in it. But as mentioned it does not show the 5305 having no membership UNLESS you specify in the query to report on 2016.

    It needs to show when the EndYear is set to >=Year(GetDate())

    The reporting side needs to specify the year or even a year range. the details that produces the report needs to have all of the data that it can filter on for the report.

  • serviceaellis (8/20/2015)

    J Livingston SQL (8/20/2015)

    can you please post image of final Crystal report.....thanks

    Unable to at the moment ....

    no problem ...i will wait until you can.

    you can lead a user to data....but you cannot make them think
    and remember....every day is a school day

  • J Livingston SQL (8/20/2015)

    no problem ...i will wait until you can.

    ok, here's a snapshot before the changes requested.

    You won't see 5305 or 8004 or 1617 b/c these clubs do not have memberships in 2016.

    On the left is the Parameter the end-user enters for the number of memberships each club has in the year they enter.

    They want to see ALL clubs regardless of them having a membership or not.

    Hence the modification request and the report will not produce correctly while this is still in WIP.

  • serviceaellis (8/20/2015)

    J Livingston SQL (8/20/2015)

    no problem ...i will wait until you can.

    ok, here's a snapshot before the changes requested.

    You won't see 5305 or 8004 or 1617 b/c these clubs do not have memberships in 2016.

    On the left is the Parameter the end-user enters for the number of memberships each club has in the year they enter.

    They want to see ALL clubs regardless of them having a membership or not.

    Hence the modification request and the report will not produce correctly while this is still in WIP.

    I think I finally have it. Try this:

    DECLARE @YEAR AS char(4) = CAST(YEAR(GETDATE()) AS char(4));

    DECLARE @START_DATE AS date = CAST(@YEAR + '-06-30' AS date);






    SELECT DISTINCT ClubID, ClubNo, SortName, ClubName, BSProgram, ClubSection, Code,

    President, Email, Phone, FacilityName, StreetOne, StreetTwo, City, [State],

    PostalCode, URL, Certified, FacilityLastUpdate, ByLawsUploadDate, ProgramStatusId,


    FROM dbo.v060ClubOfficersPresOrNot


    Memberships AS (

    SELECT OrganizationId, InvoiceNumber, EndYear, MembershipTypeId

    FROM dbo.PersonMembership


    CASE WHEN MembershipTypeId = 3 THEN @END_DATE2 END,

    CASE WHEN MembershipTypeId = 3 THEN @END_DATE3 END,

    CASE WHEN MembershipTypeId = 3 THEN @END_DATE4 END)


    SELECT COP.ClubNo, COP.SortName, COP.ClubName, COP.BSProgram, COP.ClubSection, COP.Code,

    RTRIM(PM.InvoiceNumber) AS InvNo, COP.President, COP.Email, COP.Phone, COP.FacilityName,

    COP.StreetOne, COP.StreetTwo, COP.City, COP.[State], COP.PostalCode,

    PM.EndYear AS YearEnd, PM.MembershipTypeId, COP.URL, COP.Certified,

    COP.FacilityLastUpdate, COP.ByLawsUploadDate, COP.ProgramStatusId, COP.[Status], COUNT(PM.EndYear) AS TheCount


    LEFT OUTER JOIN Memberships AS PM

    ON COP.ClubID = PM.OrganizationId

    GROUP BY COP.ClubNo, COP.SortName, COP.ClubName, COP.BSProgram, COP.ClubSection, COP.Code,

    RTRIM(PM.InvoiceNumber), COP.President, COP.Email, COP.Phone, COP.FacilityName,

    COP.StreetOne, COP.StreetTwo, COP.City, COP.[State], COP.PostalCode,

    PM.EndYear, PM.MembershipTypeId, COP.URL, COP.Certified,

    COP.FacilityLastUpdate, COP.ByLawsUploadDate, COP.ProgramStatusId, COP.[Status]

    ORDER BY COP.ClubNo, PM.EndYear, PM.MembershipTypeId, RTRIM(PM.InvoiceNumber);

    Here's the results:


    22ADIRONDACKSSC of the Adirondacks, Inc.YesEasternNA0014568Jeanette Woodruffchristma@plattsburgh.eduNULLStafford ArenaRuger StNULLPlattsburgNY1290120151NULLYes2014-07-06 17:16:00.000NULL3Active3

    22ADIRONDACKSSC of the Adirondacks, Inc.YesEasternNA0020446Jeanette Woodruffchristma@plattsburgh.eduNULLStafford ArenaRuger StNULLPlattsburgNY1290120151NULLYes2014-07-06 17:16:00.000NULL3Active11

    22ADIRONDACKSSC of the Adirondacks, Inc.YesEasternNA0021345Jeanette Woodruffchristma@plattsburgh.eduNULLStafford ArenaRuger StNULLPlattsburgNY1290120151NULLYes2014-07-06 17:16:00.000NULL3Active1

    22ADIRONDACKSSC of the Adirondacks, Inc.YesEasternNA0023167Jeanette Woodruffchristma@plattsburgh.eduNULLStafford ArenaRuger StNULLPlattsburgNY1290120151NULLYes2014-07-06 17:16:00.000NULL3Active1

    22ADIRONDACKSSC of the Adirondacks, Inc.YesEasternNA0032860Jeanette Woodruffchristma@plattsburgh.eduNULLStafford ArenaRuger StNULLPlattsburgNY1290120151NULLYes2014-07-06 17:16:00.000NULL3Active5

    22ADIRONDACKSSC of the Adirondacks, Inc.YesEasternNA0020446Jeanette Woodruffchristma@plattsburgh.eduNULLStafford ArenaRuger StNULLPlattsburgNY1290120152NULLYes2014-07-06 17:16:00.000NULL3Active7

    22ADIRONDACKSSC of the Adirondacks, Inc.YesEasternNA0021345Jeanette Woodruffchristma@plattsburgh.eduNULLStafford ArenaRuger StNULLPlattsburgNY1290120152NULLYes2014-07-06 17:16:00.000NULL3Active1

    22ADIRONDACKSSC of the Adirondacks, Inc.YesEasternNA0032860Jeanette Woodruffchristma@plattsburgh.eduNULLStafford ArenaRuger StNULLPlattsburgNY1290120152NULLYes2014-07-06 17:16:00.000NULL3Active2

    22ADIRONDACKSSC of the Adirondacks, Inc.YesEasternNA0039126Jeanette Woodruffchristma@plattsburgh.eduNULLStafford ArenaRuger StNULLPlattsburgNY1290120152NULLYes2014-07-06 17:16:00.000NULL3Active1

    22ADIRONDACKSSC of the Adirondacks, Inc.YesEasternNA0039130Jeanette Woodruffchristma@plattsburgh.eduNULLStafford ArenaRuger StNULLPlattsburgNY1290120152NULLYes2014-07-06 17:16:00.000NULL3Active1

    22ADIRONDACKSSC of the Adirondacks, Inc.YesEasternNA0020446Jeanette Woodruffchristma@plattsburgh.eduNULLStafford ArenaRuger StNULLPlattsburgNY1290120154NULLYes2014-07-06 17:16:00.000NULL3Active1

    22ADIRONDACKSSC of the Adirondacks, Inc.YesEasternNA0023167Jeanette Woodruffchristma@plattsburgh.eduNULLStafford ArenaRuger StNULLPlattsburgNY1290120154NULLYes2014-07-06 17:16:00.000NULL3Active1

    22ADIRONDACKSSC of the Adirondacks, Inc.YesEasternNA0032860Jeanette Woodruffchristma@plattsburgh.eduNULLStafford ArenaRuger StNULLPlattsburgNY1290120154NULLYes2014-07-06 17:16:00.000NULL3Active2

    22ADIRONDACKSSC of the Adirondacks, Inc.YesEasternNA0034644Jeanette Woodruffchristma@plattsburgh.eduNULLStafford ArenaRuger StNULLPlattsburgNY1290120154NULLYes2014-07-06 17:16:00.000NULL3Active1

    22ADIRONDACKSSC of the Adirondacks, Inc.YesEasternNA0039128Jeanette Woodruffchristma@plattsburgh.eduNULLStafford ArenaRuger StNULLPlattsburgNY1290120154NULLYes2014-07-06 17:16:00.000NULL3Active1

    22ADIRONDACKSSC of the Adirondacks, Inc.YesEasternNA0039130Jeanette Woodruffchristma@plattsburgh.eduNULLStafford ArenaRuger StNULLPlattsburgNY1290120154NULLYes2014-07-06 17:16:00.000NULL3Active1

    22ADIRONDACKSSC of the Adirondacks, Inc.YesEasternNA0045470Jeanette Woodruffchristma@plattsburgh.eduNULLStafford ArenaRuger StNULLPlattsburgNY1290120161NULLYes2014-07-06 17:16:00.000NULL3Active6

    22ADIRONDACKSSC of the Adirondacks, Inc.YesEasternNA0048246Jeanette Woodruffchristma@plattsburgh.eduNULLStafford ArenaRuger StNULLPlattsburgNY1290120161NULLYes2014-07-06 17:16:00.000NULL3Active5

    22ADIRONDACKSSC of the Adirondacks, Inc.YesEasternNA0048313Jeanette Woodruffchristma@plattsburgh.eduNULLStafford ArenaRuger StNULLPlattsburgNY1290120161NULLYes2014-07-06 17:16:00.000NULL3Active5

    22ADIRONDACKSSC of the Adirondacks, Inc.YesEasternNA0052248Jeanette Woodruffchristma@plattsburgh.eduNULLStafford ArenaRuger StNULLPlattsburgNY1290120161NULLYes2014-07-06 17:16:00.000NULL3Active1

    22ADIRONDACKSSC of the Adirondacks, Inc.YesEasternNA0055424Jeanette Woodruffchristma@plattsburgh.eduNULLStafford ArenaRuger StNULLPlattsburgNY1290120161NULLYes2014-07-06 17:16:00.000NULL3Active3

    22ADIRONDACKSSC of the Adirondacks, Inc.YesEasternNA0058351Jeanette Woodruffchristma@plattsburgh.eduNULLStafford ArenaRuger StNULLPlattsburgNY1290120161NULLYes2014-07-06 17:16:00.000NULL3Active1

    22ADIRONDACKSSC of the Adirondacks, Inc.YesEasternNA0045470Jeanette Woodruffchristma@plattsburgh.eduNULLStafford ArenaRuger StNULLPlattsburgNY1290120162NULLYes2014-07-06 17:16:00.000NULL3Active6

    22ADIRONDACKSSC of the Adirondacks, Inc.YesEasternNA0048246Jeanette Woodruffchristma@plattsburgh.eduNULLStafford ArenaRuger StNULLPlattsburgNY1290120162NULLYes2014-07-06 17:16:00.000NULL3Active2

    22ADIRONDACKSSC of the Adirondacks, Inc.YesEasternNA0048313Jeanette Woodruffchristma@plattsburgh.eduNULLStafford ArenaRuger StNULLPlattsburgNY1290120162NULLYes2014-07-06 17:16:00.000NULL3Active2

    22ADIRONDACKSSC of the Adirondacks, Inc.YesEasternNA0055424Jeanette Woodruffchristma@plattsburgh.eduNULLStafford ArenaRuger StNULLPlattsburgNY1290120162NULLYes2014-07-06 17:16:00.000NULL3Active1

    22ADIRONDACKSSC of the Adirondacks, Inc.YesEasternNA0058351Jeanette Woodruffchristma@plattsburgh.eduNULLStafford ArenaRuger StNULLPlattsburgNY1290120162NULLYes2014-07-06 17:16:00.000NULL3Active2

    22ADIRONDACKSSC of the Adirondacks, Inc.YesEasternNALegacyJeanette Woodruffchristma@plattsburgh.eduNULLStafford ArenaRuger StNULLPlattsburgNY1290120163NULLYes2014-07-06 17:16:00.000NULL3Active1

    22ADIRONDACKSSC of the Adirondacks, Inc.YesEasternNA0048246Jeanette Woodruffchristma@plattsburgh.eduNULLStafford ArenaRuger StNULLPlattsburgNY1290120164NULLYes2014-07-06 17:16:00.000NULL3Active1

    22ADIRONDACKSSC of the Adirondacks, Inc.YesEasternNA0048313Jeanette Woodruffchristma@plattsburgh.eduNULLStafford ArenaRuger StNULLPlattsburgNY1290120164NULLYes2014-07-06 17:16:00.000NULL3Active1

    22ADIRONDACKSSC of the Adirondacks, Inc.YesEasternNA0058351Jeanette Woodruffchristma@plattsburgh.eduNULLStafford ArenaRuger StNULLPlattsburgNY1290120164NULLYes2014-07-06 17:16:00.000NULL3Active2

    22ADIRONDACKSSC of the Adirondacks, Inc.YesEasternNALegacyJeanette Woodruffchristma@plattsburgh.eduNULLStafford ArenaRuger StNULLPlattsburgNY1290120173NULLYes2014-07-06 17:16:00.000NULL3Active1

    22ADIRONDACKSSC of the Adirondacks, Inc.YesEasternNA0023624Jeanette Woodruffchristma@plattsburgh.eduNULLStafford ArenaRuger StNULLPlattsburgNY1290120183NULLYes2014-07-06 17:16:00.000NULL3Active1

    22ADIRONDACKSSC of the Adirondacks, Inc.YesEasternNA0029828Jeanette Woodruffchristma@plattsburgh.eduNULLStafford ArenaRuger StNULLPlattsburgNY1290120183NULLYes2014-07-06 17:16:00.000NULL3Active1








    5305ShorelineShoreline Skating ClubNoEasternNENULLMandy CurtinNULL(508)229-2700New England Sports Center121 Donald Lynch Blvd.NULLMarlboroughMA0175220151http://www.scboston.orgYes2014-07-02 13:44:00.000NULLNULLActive2

    5305ShorelineShoreline Skating ClubNoEasternNE0011069Mandy CurtinNULL(508)229-2700New England Sports Center121 Donald Lynch Blvd.NULLMarlboroughMA0175220151http://www.scboston.orgYes2014-07-02 13:44:00.000NULLNULLActive2

    5305ShorelineShoreline Skating ClubNoEasternNE0014744Mandy CurtinNULL(508)229-2700New England Sports Center121 Donald Lynch Blvd.NULLMarlboroughMA0175220151http://www.scboston.orgYes2014-07-02 13:44:00.000NULLNULLActive2

    5305ShorelineShoreline Skating ClubNoEasternNE0015085Mandy CurtinNULL(508)229-2700New England Sports Center121 Donald Lynch Blvd.NULLMarlboroughMA0175220151http://www.scboston.orgYes2014-07-02 13:44:00.000NULLNULLActive1

    5305ShorelineShoreline Skating ClubNoEasternNE0015112Mandy CurtinNULL(508)229-2700New England Sports Center121 Donald Lynch Blvd.NULLMarlboroughMA0175220151http://www.scboston.orgYes2014-07-02 13:44:00.000NULLNULLActive5

    5305ShorelineShoreline Skating ClubNoEasternNE0015141Mandy CurtinNULL(508)229-2700New England Sports Center121 Donald Lynch Blvd.NULLMarlboroughMA0175220151http://www.scboston.orgYes2014-07-02 13:44:00.000NULLNULLActive2

    5305ShorelineShoreline Skating ClubNoEasternNE0015112Mandy CurtinNULL(508)229-2700New England Sports Center121 Donald Lynch Blvd.NULLMarlboroughMA0175220152http://www.scboston.orgYes2014-07-02 13:44:00.000NULLNULLActive1


    Let me know if this is the proper result set. I copied and pasted this result set from SSMS, so it has tabs in it, which I think stay in the data even after it's posted, so you may be able to copy and paste the results into Excel.

    Steve (aka sgmunson) 🙂 🙂 🙂
    Rent Servers for Income (picks and shovels strategy)

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