Out of Sync Error in Log Shipping..PLS HELP!

  • I have set up log shipping from the Database Maintenance Wizard.  Log shipping seems to successfully copy and load the transaction logs, but the out of sync error keeps coming up.  The copy and load delta seems to get larger and larger.  Initially it took about 5 minutes and the error threshold was set to 45 since we are doing a ship every 15 minutes.  This seems to have stopped the copy restore process, but I am not sure why it stopped after working for some time.  But as you can see below the time keeps increasing.  any advice??? 

  • I can't see the image that you posted, however, have you looked in the logs for the logshipping to try and figure out why the copy or restore is not happening?

    Shamless self promotion - read my blog http://sirsql.net

  • I don't know what log shipping mechanism you are using. There should be a table in MSDB that holds log shipping history.

  • I've had this happen.  Turned out for me to be some type of permissioning.  Remember the SQL Agent will run with whatever account starts the service.  You will need to make sure this account has the appropriate permissions for both OS and SQL on the source and target servers.  Whatever runs the sqlagent services for each server must be a sql SA.  The copy job on the target will need to be able to access the backup file from the source machine (OS permission) - It then needs access to SQL Server on Source to update the msdb tables of this activity.

  • You might have more luck in finding an answer if you posted in a more relevant forum. Good luck!


  • Thanks all for the response!  Sorry am new to the DBA world, but appreciate the input! 

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