our job status

  • Maybe I'd grow grapes & make wine. Or something.

    (40° 16' 50.07'' N

    7° 55' 35.42'' W)


  • Its the 'or something' I like. The possibilities are endless

    Madame Artois

  • Yep, that's the best part: endless possibilities!

  • I think the rules of the game are changing so fast that our current plans may be meaningless in a scenario where IT is no longer an employment opportunity. If there were no IT, there would be no viable businesses, few well paying jobs in many fields, no money for people to track thus I couldn't go back to being an accountant. People may not be able to afford health care (pfft goes my fallback to nurses aide), paying for pilates classes are an expendible option, and so on.

    Then there's the matter of climate change. The area I hope to grow vegetables in some day is projected to have a lot less rainfall in 10-15 years than it does now. People grow fruit trees and grapes in this region too, as well as wheat, corn, soy beans, and hay, but if the rainfall decreases and we have to irrigate to produce a crop, the cost increases a lot.

  • Definitely a coffee shop or hamburger joint...

  • I think I'd like to build wood boats. Kayaks, canoes, rowboats, etc.

    No good deed goes unpunished.

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