OSQL quarks?

  • I just created a txt file from OSQL on a remote machine.

    EXEC master..xp_cmdshell 'osql -E -Q"select top 1 * from t_Table" -o\\MachineName\C$\var_out.txt'

    This worked fine. But if I add a directory that has a space in the name i.e. c$\Test Dir\var_out.xt

    it won't work.

    EXEC master..xp_cmdshell 'osql -E -Q"select top 1 * from t_Table" -o\\MachineName\C$\Test Dir\var_out.txt'

    Is this a limitation of OSQL or am I not doing something correctly?

  • Not tested but it would seem that you need to put quotes around the path of the output file.


  • AVB (2/26/2008)

    I just created a txt file from OSQL on a remote machine.

    EXEC master..xp_cmdshell 'osql -E -Q"select top 1 * from t_Table" -o\\MachineName\C$\var_out.txt'

    This worked fine. But if I add a directory that has a space in the name i.e. c$\Test Dir\var_out.xt

    it won't work.

    EXEC master..xp_cmdshell 'osql -E -Q"select top 1 * from t_FRCBL_BOL" -o\\MachineName\C$\Test Dir\var_out.txt'

    Is this a limitation of OSQL or am I not doing something correctly?


    Can you try by having square [] brackets for the directory?

    I think it worked for me and it was long time back.



  • [font="Arial"]Hello,

    The problem ( or challenge ) is with the operating system.

    When you create a sub-directory with a space in the name you have to use quotes to go there.

    Like :

    mkdir The space

    cd \"The space"

    It's not osql. Try it in a DOS window using the cd command.




  • Thanks for the reply....

    I actually just tried the CD command without quotes and it worked.

    C:\>CD documents and settings\all users

    it also works with quotes:

    C:\>CD "documents and settings\all users"

    I'm on XP SP2.

    I tried OSQL with quotes and it still doesn't work.

    EXEC master..xp_cmdshell 'osql -E -Q"select top 1 * from t_Table"-o "\\MachineName\c$\To Do\output.txt" '

    I also tried the brackets as suggested before.. I guess I'll have to keep tooling around with it.

  • Did you try the re-direction symbol >

  • Quarks?

    You can use the DOS compatible names in your path to eliminate the spaces. The DIR command with the /x options gives you the DOS compatible names. In the example below, PROGRA~1 is the DOS compatible name for Program Files.

    C:\>dir p* /x

    Volume in drive C has no label.

    Volume Serial Number is F41D-1F50

    Directory of C:

    02/18/2008 03:08 AM PROGRA~1 Program Files

    0 File(s) 0 bytes

    1 Dir(s) 21,217,181,696 bytes free

    C:\>dir PROGRA~1 /x

    Volume in drive C has no label.

    Volume Serial Number is F41D-1F50

    Directory of C:\PROGRA~1

    02/18/2008 03:08 AM .

    02/18/2008 03:08 AM ..

    06/22/2007 08:53 AM Adobe

    02/15/2008 03:00 PM COMMON~1 Common Files

    07/05/2005 01:15 PM COMPLU~1 ComPlus Applications

    01/28/2008 03:02 PM INTERN~1 Internet Explorer

    11/12/2007 01:02 PM MICROS~2 Microsoft Office

    04/09/2007 01:13 PM MICROS~4 Microsoft SQL Server

    07/09/2007 04:12 PM SQLIO

    1 File(s) 245 bytes

    7 Dir(s) 21,217,181,696 bytes free

  • Ziminski,

    After I read your suggestion I did try the > (redirection) symbol.

    Not sure if my code is correct:

    EXEC master..xp_cmdshell 'osql -E -Q"select top 1 * from t_Table"-o >\\MachineName\c$\To Do\output.txt'

    When I used the > symbol I did not get the recordset with all of the OSQL switches/flags so that was good... but it did not create a txt file. When I saw null in the output recordset I thought it had worked.

  • Mr. Jones,

    Thanks for the reply.

    I tried the DOS shortname and it didn't work.

    EXEC master..xp_cmdshell 'osql -E -Q"select top 1 * from t_Table"-o \\MachineName\c$\ToDo~1\output.txt'

    I got the Usage Flags in the OutPut recordset. So I tried using the Redirection Symbol with the Shortname:

    EXEC master..xp_cmdshell 'osql -E -Q"select top 1 * from t_Table"-o >\\MachineName\c$\ToDo~1\output.txt'

    This time a TXT file was created but it did not contain the data from the query. It contained an error message:

    Msg 170, Level 15, State 1, Line 1

    Line 1: Incorrect syntax near '-'.

  • Looks like you're getting closer but the syntax is wrong, when you use the redirection symbol you do not specify the -o option for out put. so you should have

    EXEC master..xp_cmdshell 'osql -E -Q"select top 1 * from t_Table" >\\MachineName\c$\ToDo~1\output.txt'


  • Hallelujah!!!!

    That worked!!!

    Thanks to all that helped.

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