OS Upgrade of SQL server

  • Hi all: We are looking at upgrading our SQL 2005 server's OS from 2003 R2 (64-bit) to 2008 (64-bit). The server only has two functions, albeit important ones, PDC and SQL 2005. I am not worried about the PDC functions getting compromised, but I am worried about what may happen to my SQL2005 installation.

    Has anyone performed an in-place OS upgrade of a server running SQL 2005? Did you have any issues following the upgrade? Any tips or gotchas I need to know??

    Thanks, Chris.

  • cmosentine (10/30/2008)

    Hi all: We are looking at upgrading our SQL 2005 server's OS from 2003 R2 (64-bit) to 2008 (64-bit). The server only has two functions, albeit important ones, PDC and SQL 2005. I am not worried about the PDC functions getting compromised, but I am worried about what may happen to my SQL2005 installation.

    Has anyone performed an in-place OS upgrade of a server running SQL 2005? Did you have any issues following the upgrade? Any tips or gotchas I need to know??

    Thanks, Chris.

    Take full backups just to CYA; shut down and disable all of the MSSQL services so they don't attempt to start during the upgrade process. Shouldn't have any problems - haven't done it w/ Windows 2008 but have done it from 2003 to 2003 R2. Good luck 🙂

  • Take full backups just to CYA; shut down and disable all of the MSSQL services so they don't attempt to start during the upgrade process. Shouldn't have any problems - haven't done it w/ Windows 2008 but have done it from 2003 to 2003 R2. Good luck 🙂

    It is my understanding that teh 2005 to 2008 upgrade is a completely different animal than any before it. The inplace upgrade is really akin to Apple's "Archive and Install" process. The Old OS is moved to a temp directory, the new 2008 OS is installed clean, and then data/settings are migrated to teh new installation. Once copleted the old OS folder is sent to the ether.

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